Relationshi ps
Why do we choose partners? The List Partner Selection: (AO1) Berscherdt & Reis (1998) Those with similar personality & attitudes
Formation of Relationships: Learning Theory Byrne & Clore (1970) Reward/Need Satisfaction Hypotheses (AO1)
Formation – Maintenance - Breakdown Formation: Someone’s company is rewarding we continue to see them (operant) If the situation is rewarding (classical)
Formation – Maintenance - Breakdown Maintenance: If needs are continually met, relationship continues. As needs change, they need to be continually met for the relationship to continue
Formation – Maintenance - Breakdown Breakdown If needs are NOT met, relationship breaks down.
What criticisms can you make?
Byrne & Clore (1970) Reward/Need Satisfaction Hypotheses (AO2) Griffitt & Guay (1969) showed that when participants were given feedback on a creative task, then asked to rate how much they liked the experimenter, those who received positive praise for their task rated the experimenter higher.
Byrne & Clore (1970) Reward/Need Satisfaction Hypotheses (AO2) In further research they also found when repeating a similar experiment and including an onlooker with the experimenter, the participants rated both the experimenter and onlooker higher in the ‘positive praise’ condition.
Byrne & Clore (1970) Reward/Need Satisfaction Hypotheses (AO2) Cae et al (1982) surveyed 337 participants about how satisfied they were in their relationship, they found reward to be the most important factor in being satisfied with their relationship.
Byrne & Clore (1970) Reward/Need Satisfaction Hypotheses (AO2) However Hays et al (1982) found that giving was as important as receiving. Complete the evaluation sheet Continuing into your books This forms an ESSAY!!
PREP: The essay Outline and evaluate one theory of the formation of romantic relationships. (4 marks + 8 marks)