Presentation Day What To Do To Prepare For the Big Day!
The Day Before Make contact with your mentor by phone or in person (do not ) ◦ Remind them of time and room number ◦ Bring evaluation form with them if they haven’t mailed it yet
Presentation Day Arrive early professionally dressed ◦ Meet your mentor at the front door Check that you have all necessary materials ◦ plus a backup of files Let advisor know immediately if there is an emergency ◦ call the school if you or your mentor have an emergency
Room Preparation Procedure Enter room when advisor says it is available ◦ bring in all your needed materials ◦ setup the room/equipment to fit your needs tables easels TV cart ◦ computer & overhead will be there
After Presenting Exit room while judges discuss and tally Fill out senior survey while waiting on judges Take senior advisor drop form home for parents to sign
Conclusion Return to room to gather your things when advisor signals you Wait by office workroom to receive copy of results
Congratulations Enjoy your break! Relax on the beach or hit the slopes!! Either way—you made it!