Unlocking Welsh Potential
How it works The Welsh Government have produced two documents entitled The Youth Engagement and Progression Framework Early Identification - effective practice guidance document. Both of which are central to Unlocking Welsh Potential’s implementation.
The Youth Engagement and Progression Framework States that Welsh Government aim to reduce the number of NEETs aged 16 to 18 to 9 per cent by 2017 it is this which Unlocking Welsh Potential will support. The document aims to: Identify young people at risk of disengagement Ensure that provision meets the needs of young people Have greater accountability for better outcomes for young people The framework contains two new offers for young people : The allocation of a lead worker for the most at risk young people to help ensure that their support is delivered in a joined up and co-ordinate way. The EPC is responsible for the implementation of lead workers. The development of a proactive and positive Youth Guarantee that will help to ensure that every young person has access to a suitable place in learning post 16 The cohort with whom UWP engages are seen to be classified as tier 4 within the Careers Wales Five Tier model of engagement this definition includes young people at risk of dropping out of Education or Employment
Criteria for inclusion: Any Child aged identified as red (High Risk) on the Vulnerability Profile of a participating authority can take part in the operation. It is essential that their score at commencement must be recorded on the enrolment form and it must be agreed with the EPC which targets our initiative is aiming to achieve for that child. The Children and People First Welsh Government Document highlights that there is a significant prevalence of young people within the criminal justice system who are seen to: Underachieve in school Disengage within the school environment Have poor literacy and numeracy skills. Early identification tool should identify attendance, behaviour and attainment as a minimum. Not a requirement until 2016 for KS3 Any child in year 7,8 or 9 should have attendance of 85% or under, low attainment at KS2. Or have been identified by a supporting partner as having issues associated to anti social behaviour. Any child in year 10,11 attendance of 85% or under, not expected to achieve Level 1 threshold within school, received temporary exclusion from school, receiving support for poor behaviour.
Necessary Paperwork: WCVA will establish Information Sharing Protocols with each Unitary Authority and each supporting and strategic partner in order to ensure that a co ordinate approach is established. At point of allocation to the operation it is imperative that the following is completed: Baseline Assessment including current score on VAP. This assessment must be received from the EPC at point of referral Individual action plan to be completed Qualification enrolment to occur for those students in Year 10 and 11. Enrolment form to be completed and signed by the young person directly Soft skills assessment completed by delivery staff and shared with the individual participant together with VAK learning styles questionnaire. Equality of Opportunity form completed by individual Mid way assessment form to be completed at the conclusion of each half term Participant evaluation form to be completed each term Parental consent form if necessary subject to the ISP established Post project evaluation at 6 and 12 months
A Participants path to success Participants potential to be NEET significantly reduced Reduction in Participants score Participant achieves success Participant engages in operation Participant commences operation. Individual action plan and soft skills assessment taken Participant Identified Participant Enrolled on UWP basic or enhanced programme
Methods for success (Engagement) Delivery staff must always remember that these young people have been let down by society and family. Many of them lack trust. Based on this it is essential that staff are open and honest and that no promises are made that cannot be kept. Constantly it must be remembered that the child is an individual and must be treated as such. No reputation is a pre cursor for the way a child is treated. Positive Praise must be consistently utilised within the classroom setting The classroom should be set up for support It is essential that a behaviour contract is established immediately and that this is stuck to by the children and staff
Methods for success (Engagement) Rollick and Miller : Motivational interviewing for helping people change This is a proven counselling technique which is now proving its worth in working with young people It is a collaborative goal orientated style of communication with particular attention to the language of change. It is design to strengthen personal motivation for and commitment to a specific goal by eliciting and exploring the persons own reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance
Methods for success (Engagement) 1: Pre contemplation 2: Contemplation 3: Preparation 4:Action 5: Maintenance 6: Relapse
Methods for success (Engagement) When an individual is talking about change it is time to support them. The questioning skill used in this capacity has to be open ended affirming, reflective and summarise the change discussed to support the individual
Positive Praise
The classroom setting should be: – Predictable – Consistent – Positive – Promote student independent behaviour
Establish Clear Expectations Focus on positive outcomes Expect Good Behaviour from all students Have set procedures in place A Positive Classroom
How to establish a positive environment Start each session with a positive. Do not under any circumstances highlight previous bad behaviour. Celebrate success. Think of your first comment to the child. If its positive they will be, if its a criticism behaviour will correspond Once every 5 minutes have a positive not negative interaction with each participant Maintain a praise/correction ratio Provide paths to success. Tell the children what is acceptable and how to get there.
Respect each child’s need for public versus private recognition Children are individuals This may be the first time they have ever experienced praise in any format Indeed some children may even misbehave when praised as they cant cope with it.
Expectations The only behaviour you can fully control is your own Treat everyone with respect Act like you like them no matter what Treat them as you wish to be treated yourself Remind them of the behavioural contract you have designed.
An overview of success A year 10 student in a valleys comprehensive had poor attendance and poor behaviour. He commenced working on the scheme. He struggled to engage. With the implementation of positive praise techniques he started to engage. He was suspended from school and kept sneaking into the school for the sessions held by my staff. The school were aware and encouraged us to allow him to do so. His attendance improved, his confidence improved, he participated in a presentation in a local theatre in front of 200 people. He obtained a qualification. He left school. And Now????
If you require further information please don’t hesitate to contact me: Eleanor Jones: Project Officer