Patrick Brown Kim Cartland Heather Knous-Westfall Liz Park October 26, 2015
Introductions/Ice breaker Why do we need data? Data integrity Data definitions Data sources Question box Break Surveys and evaluations Data requests Load count/FTE reports Dashboards Questions
Patrick Brown, Director of Enrollment Services /Registrar, Heather Knous-Westfall, Institutional Research Manager, Liz Park, Institutional Research Analyst, Kim Cartland, Research Assistant,
A. I am a clicker pro B. A couple times C. What the heck is a clicker D. Only to change the channel on my TV
A. True B. False
Retention vs. Persistence Cohorts FTE Intent Completer vs. Credential CIP vs. EPC
A. The percentage of students from an identified cohort who re-enroll in a subsequent quarter. B. The percentage of students from an identified cohort who re-enroll or complete their credential by a subsequent quarter. C. A short-term measure of persistence. D. An unimportant measure of student success.
A. The percentage of students who indicate they intend to complete a degree. B. The percentage of students from an identified cohort who re-enroll or complete their credential by a subsequent quarter. C. The best measure of student success. D. The percentage of students from an identified cohort who re-enroll in a subsequent quarter.
A. Fall to Fall retention, the percent of students from a defined cohort that were enrolled in the next Fall quarter. B. Fall to Spring retention, the percent of students from a defined cohort that were enrolled in the next Spring quarter. C. Fall to Fall persistence, the percent of students from a defined cohort that were enrolled OR who had completed by the next Fall quarter.
A. Students who are new to RTC, denoted by their state start coding with a degree- seeking intent code; usually reported for Fall enrollment only. B. Degree-seeking, full-time students who are new to RTC, who have no prior education, and started in the fall or summer quarter. C. Derived from the Student Achievement Initiative database.
A. Intent B. Prior Earned Credits C. First Year/Quarter D. Full-Time Status
A. 12 B. 15 C. 20 D. 45
A. 12 B. 15 C. 45 D. 60
A. The student’s intent for enrolling. It’s collected the first quarter that the student is enrolled and will never change. B. The program code (EPC) that the student is enrolled in. C. The student’s intent for enrolling. It’s collected each quarter that the student is enrolled and may change for each student over time.
Examples of Use: A: Academic Non-Transfer Degree B: Academic Transfer F: Occupational Preparatory M: Multiple Goal Seeker (F &M degree seeking) H: Apprenticeship I: Applied Baccalaureate Program L: General Studies
A. A code assigned to a program for identifying the primary intent of the college for offering the specified program. B. A code assigned to a college for identifying their primary institutional goal and intent. C. A code assigned to a course for identifying the primary intent of the college for offering the specified course. D. The funding source assigned to a course.
A. Yes B. No C. Only if they are awarded the certificate in SMS
A. Crazy Instructional Program B. Classification of Instructional Programs C. College Institutional Program D. Current Institutional Program
A. Economic Policy Committee B. Emergency Planning Commission C. Engineering Production Certificate D. Equipment Product Code E. Educational Program Code
Student Management System (SMS) Operational Data Store (ODS) Data Warehouse (DW)
Did you know you can find these on our website? IPEDS data IPEDS data Fast Facts Fast Facts Links to the SBCTC reportsSBCTC reports Resources for labor market researchlabor market research CCSSE and SENSE research and results CCSSE SENSE Dashboards and data reports! Dashboardsdata reports
Research Reports Research Reports Helpful Links Helpful Links Resources Resources Dashboards Dashboards
What resources, reports, or links do you think we should provide? Send any useful reports or links to
A. 31 B. 32 C. 24 D. 35
A. 17 B. 53 C. 108 D. 146
Nov 2014 to Sep data requests January: 20 requests
1. Data Availability We rely on Data Warehouse. There is a time lag, data is delayed We can use live data; however, the numbers may change over time (e.g. FTEs, headcounts) Let me ask a data question Glad to help! We can..BUT BUT… DatasetData TypeReceived FA -B454Financial aid spring /11/2015 COMPL-B561Completion data summer /13/2015 Hispanic headcounts Fall 2015? Financial aid Fall 2015?
2. Unclear data requests e.g. 3. Small staff, lots of compliance reporting work, surveys, and some special projects 4. Complicated data requests with multiple relationships between tables takes a long time just to create/run the queries Can you give me some retention data for my program ? Program name? Year? Quarter? What question do you want to answer?
Request Form Link
A. True B. False
Load Count Report
A. 4,004 and 4,141 B. 4,006 and 4,141 C. 4,141 and 3,980 D. 3,980 and 4,004
This dashboard looks great, but….how do I use it? dashboard
What kind of dashboard(s) would you like to see?
Data 102 in Winter 2016 Application of data Real-life examples Data-driven decision making Special Topic Spring 2016 Additional Dashboards IR/DIG Newsletter Additional Reports Special Projects
Please complete an evaluation form so we know how we did, and how we can improve for next time. We encourage you to be open and honest so we can ensure we are meeting your needs.