How to Complete your Senior Project Brought to you by Samantha Armitage and Jake Frost, your Vista Volunteers
Think of an AWESOME idea that will help your community! Related to something that genuinely interests you. Ex. I like woodworking so I’m going to help the school by building a new bookcase for the library! Write a Letter of Intent by October 17 and hand in to Jake and Sam STEP 1
Find mentor to help you with your project This person should be from the community and an expert in the field related to your project. Have your mentor and parent fill out the Mentor Agreement/Parent Consent Form! Keep track using your Mentor Hours Verification Log Ex. I found a carpenter to help with my bench! Step 2
Think of a stretch commitment One page about how you will push yourself above and beyond what you know, think, and do. Where are you now? Where do you want to be by the end of the project? Ex. I’ve never used power tools before and will have to learn new skills to complete my project! Step 2.5
Plan your process! Gather supplies Find volunteers Choose dates to work on your project Keep track with a Learning Log Ex. I have wood, nails, people, etc. to build my cabinet! Step 3
Implement your Product Pick a date and stick to it Take pictures of the product Get your Product Verification Form and Mentor Evaluation Form signed by your mentor Ex. It’s built! Step 4
Write your Research Paper Your paper topic is related to your product Use Jake and Sam as resources! Use MLA format and a Bibliography/Works Cited 5-7 pages Due January 30 th, 2015 (This can be completed before your product) Ex. I will write a paper discussing the history of libraries and the importance of using organized bookcases. Step 5
Put together your Portfolio Due Feb. 13, 2015 Use your checklist to be sure you have everything included (orange paper in your binders) Step 6
Present your product on March 3 rd, 2015 Explain each step in your process Make sure you practice and test your equipment 8-15 minutes Use Visual aids, like powerpoint or a poster You will present to your peers and community members Step 7
Several components of your portfolio will need a caption/reflection to go with them. You can find the form in your handbook or on the website. Describe the component in detail Reflect on the component What did it teach you? Caption/Reflections
Do something you are already interested in! Make an impact! Think outside the box! Get started early! Recruit your friends and family to help! Make it your own! Its your Things to consider: