Mineral Formation 11/20/ pgs IN: Why are minerals important? Put your Lab on the books
How do Minerals form? Almost all minerals can be found in the Earth’s crust Some minerals formed when a giant star exploded Some minerals form here on the Earth They form in many different environments under different physical and chemical conditions – Temperature, pressure, chemicals, water
Why are Minerals Important? Rocks are made of minerals.
Example, Granite – A rock composed of feldspar, mica, and quartz. Feldspar Mica Quartz
Mineral Classification Minerals are classified by their chemical composition. – What they are made of – Where they formed
Two Types of Minerals Silicates – Contain oxygen and silicon – Make up 90% of the Earth’s crust Nonsilcates – Do not contain oxygen and silicon – Make up less than 10% of the Earth’s crust
Properties of Minerals Color Luster Streak Cleavage and Fracture Hardness Density Special Properties
What is mined? Ore – a mineral deposit large enough and pure enough to be mined for profit.
Mining Mineral ores are nonrenewable resources.
Mining Surface mining – the removal of minerals or other materials at or near the Earth’s surface.
Mining Deep mining – the removal of minerals or other materials from deep within the Earth.
Responsible Mining Reclamation – the process of returning land to its original state after mining is completed.
Mica Shiny and soft Separate easily into sheets Unique Minerals
Halite Tastes salty
Unique Minerals Magnetite Magnetic
OUT: What are some ways we could reduce our need for mining?