Economic and Social data in 3D thematic maps Katalin Zsoldi Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics
3D is a new research area in cartography My research theme: 3D applications in cartography My goal: show the potential in 3D technology In this presentation I represent thematic maps
New visualization methods: o statistic data in 3D maps ->we can hear what the number's are saying o Animation-> easily understand the 5-10 year time serial o Connect different topics
Comprehensive visualization methods, different maps: – Social data – Temporal changes in mining – Connect minerals and GDP data – Economic data: 5-10 year time serial
Output: Picture (jpg, png, tiff) Video (avi, mpeg) Interactive 3D modell, a 3D viewer needed (obj, x3d, 3ds) 3D application
Conclusion: we can represent more data with 3D Easy to understand thematic maps More applications: Eduation Galaxy or star maps Underground maps