KISS Method for RtI What’s new with RtI this year? How do we switch from paper to electronic entry on BASIS?
Learning Goals and Scale TWBAT review the RtI process and list steps necessary to facilitate a student referral TWBAT navigate the BASIS panels for Tiers 2 and 3 with assistance from their case manager 4—I can teach others about the RtI process 3—I can explain the RtI process 2—I need help with the RtI process 1—I don’t understand the RtI process
PMP students & Teacher Strategy Panel Determine PMP students for reading and math using district criteria Fill out Teacher Strategy Panel on the BASIS panel by September 30 th (or later for primary students)
RtI Referral Process Fill out 1 st Step Sheet on CAB to refer student & determine specific problem area to focus on Receive folders from last year to determine Tier 2 or Tier 3 for this year—make new folders for new RtI students to collect current data in classroom Case manager will bring names to team with predetermined dates on calendar
1 st Step Referral Form on MLE CAB (problem area in comment section)
BASIS Electronic Entry IN PLACE OF PAPER PACKETS for Tiers 2 and 3 Case manager enters meeting notes to initiate referral—add teacher to RtI team Case managers and teachers meet to fill out Tier 2/Tier 3 Interventions should last app. 6-8 weeks
Progress Monitoring To progress monitor your intervention, use EASY CBM weekly or bi-weekly Work with case manager to graph scores Reassess using graph to determine next Tier or continue monitoring on present Tier
Possible ESE Testing beyond Tier 3 Need the following before consent is signed: Vision screening/Hearing screening Parent conference summary 2 observations (by teacher & case manager) RtI packet—print from BASIS w/ graph Student Rating Sheet—4 pages Parent Information form (given to parent)
Grade Level Case Managers KindergartenShelley Lewis 1 st GradeHend Hafez 2 nd GradeJanelle Miller 3 rd Grade Sherry Wilson 4 th GradeNancy Ribbler 5 th GradeGigi McIntire ESELuke Balchaitis
Ticket out by Table TABLE 1Explain the Teacher Strategy Panel TABLE 2Explain the 1 st step to RtI Referral TABLE 3Explain Progress Monitoring TABLE 4Explain Tier 2 Interventions TABLE 5Explain Tier 3 Interventions TABLE 6 Explain the new BASIS panels TABLE 7Explain the steps to ESE testing