Male Anatomy Function-produces sperm (male gamete) Testes- Produce sperm Enclosed by scrotum Located outside of body-(2º C cooler) Muscles in scrotum –contract to keep warm, relax to cool
Sperm Produced my meiosis in the seminiferous tubules Takes 74 days to mature Produce 300 million/day Can live up to 48 hours in female genital urinary tract Mature in Epidymus Stored in Vas Deferens Propelled through urethra penis –(peristalsis movement)
1.Seminal Vesicles- Located at base of bladder Mucous like fluid (60% of volume) Contains citrate- provides energy 2.Prostate Gland Produces thinner, alkaline fluid Helps sperm swim 3.Bulbourethral Gland Produces an alkaline fluid This neutralizes the acidic urine in the urethra SPERM + FLUID = SEMEN Sperm mixes with fluid from 3 glands:
PUBERTY This is when secondary sex characteristics appear Males have increased hair growth, increased muscle mass, increased bone growth, deepening of voice Hypothalamus acts on the Pituitary gland
Pituitary gland produces- Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Luteinizing Hormone FSH an LH both act on the testes: FSH aids in sperm production LH aids in producing testosterone- which helps in sperm production Testosterone responsible for secondary sex characteristics Male Hormones regulated by negative Feedback
Female anatomy- produces eggs
Ovary Site of egg production Normally 2 present Egg production is done during embryonic growth Female born with approximately 2 million potential eggs- stopped at Meiosis Prophase I Eggs rest at this point until puberty( about 400K left) One egg per month is release at time of ovulation. At ovulation egg finishes final stages of meiosis
Oviduct- site of egg fertilization carries egg from ovary to uterus Uterus- muscular organ site of fertilized egg implantation Cervix- opening of uterus Vagina- passageway to outside of body
Puberty This is when secondary sex characteristics appear Females have increased hair growth, breast development, increased bone growth, broadening of the hips, beginning of menstrual cycle Hypothalamus acts on the Pituitary gland
Pituitary gland produces- Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Leutinizing Hormone FSH an LH both act on the ovaries: FSH -stimulates development of follicle-(cells around developing egg cell),causes ovary to release estrogen Estrogen is responsible for secondary sex characteristics
Menstrual Cycle Begins at puberty until age 45/50 Females will release approximately 400 eggs over their lifetime Cycle lasts about 28 days
What happens? Ovary produces egg Uterine lining is getting ready for egg implantation- increased tissue, blood supply Follicle left in ovary becomes the CORPUS LUTEUM CL secretes Estrogen and Progesterone Progesterone changes lining of uterus No egg implanted, lining sloughs off menstruation begins
Flow- Days 1-6 Lining expelled- Bleeding FSH to help get new egg ready for release 2. Follicular- Days 6-14 (OVULATION ON DAY 14) Estrogen - uterine lining repaired LH - causes follicle to rupture Body temperature will increase slightly- 0.5° C Luteal- Day LH stimulates Corpus Luteum which produces progesterone and estrogen If egg is fertilized- IMPLANTATION of Zygote No fertilization- progesterone and estrogen cause FSH and LH to Corpus Luteum disintegrates. 3 Phases to the Menstruation Cycle- Flow, Follicular, Luteal
Human Development Egg viable for 24 hours Fertilization occurs in oviduct- moves to uterus in 6 days 1 cell divides forms hollow ball- Blastocyst Blastocyst attaches to uterine lining ( IMPLANTATION) Placenta formed to transport O2 and nutrients through chorionic villus Chorionic membrane secretes hCG ( human gonadotropin hormone) hCG detected in pregnancy test
Gestation 280 days 1 st trimester- organs form 2 nd trimester- body growth, fetal movement 3 rd trimester- growth Birth- labor –contractions Uterus dilates- 10cm Expulsion of baby via uterine contractions Placenta expelled after birth Umbilical Cord cut and clamped
Oxytocin released by pituitary gland which begins contractions. Prolactin produced to begin milk production. As baby nurses this stimulation increases the amount of Prolactin so that more milk is produced.