Reproductive Anatomy
Female – front view Fallopian Tubes Uterus Cervix Ovary Vagina
Female Vocabulary: Ovulation: when the ovary releases the egg Ectopic Pregnancy: when an egg attaches OUTSIDE on the fallopian tube Period/ Menses: when a woman sheds her uterine lining Fun Facts: 28 day cycle: most common cycle for most women Women are born with all the eggs they’ll ever have MOST women only release 1 egg per cycle- the ovaries take turns ovulating
Male- front view Bladder Prostate Gland Urethra Penis Vas Deferens Testicle Epididmis
Male Vocabulary: Vasectomy: when a man gets his “tubes tied” Ejaculation: the release of semen Semen: the fluid that carries sperm Sperm: the cell that has the genetic material Fun Fact: every ejaculation has MILLIONS of sperm!
Fertilization Fertilization happens when a sperm penetrates the egg’s outer shell and the 2 genetic materials mix. Pregnancy happens when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. The first 6-8 weeks the cell just copies itself After 8 weeks the cells really start to specialize and become individual organs.
How do we get twins? Fraternal Twins: boy/ girl or NON identical twins happen when a women releases 2 eggs and bot are fertilized Fun Fact: a woman can have twins from 2 different guys Identical Twins happen when 1 egg is fertilized and it splits in half during development