Methods & Class as program unit A method is comprised of statement sequences and is often viewed as the smallest program unit to be considered as a subprogram. It is self-contained and designed for a particular task which represents an object behavior.
Object & Class properties Properties defined in a class can be distinguished into object and class proper- ties. Object properties are definitions that are specific to objects and apply to all objects from the same class. Class properties, on the other hand, apply only to the class even though the structure and behavior of objects of a class is defined by the class.
Counting Instance
Alternative Counting Instance
State of Objects
Share Attributes with static
Class Attributes The static variable count is also known as a class attribute. While a class definition specifies the structure and behavior of objects within, it may have its own attribute and method definitions.
Class Methods
Controlling Visibility
Packages While class definitions are practical modular units, the Java programming language has another mechanism that facilitates programming teams and reusable software units. The package facility allows for appropriate classes to be grouped into packages. As with standard design rationale for objects where relevant methods are placed in the same class definition, packages in Java form the next level of software containment for classes with logically related functionality.
Packages Packaging also partitions the name space to avoid name clashes. Teams of programmers maybe work indepedently, there is a chance that they may choose the same name for their classes. Packaging thus allows for the names of classes to be confined to originating package.
Import keyword