discover Have you seen any yellow Beetles lately?
DESIGNED with Purpose. EMPOWERED for Mission. EQUIPPED for Service.
discover The Gifts of the Spirit are OBVIOUS when in use.
discover The Ministry Gifts are leaders anointed by God and recognized by those in existing leadership.
discover The Motivational Gifts can be laid dormant or misunderstood by the person in possession of the gift.
Cooperation Blueprints Identification
cooperation Seek Wholeness Choose Life Paradigm Change
cooperation Hope Complete Empowered Guided Hopelessness Incomplete Unable Misplaced
cooperation Key Actions Study Assess Be Key Mindsets Understand Discover Deploy
cooperation Your motivational gift invites you to purpose but, does not exclude you from responsibility.
cooperation Discovering the gifts of those around you may be more important than the discovery of your own!
cooperation Selfish or Selfless?
cooperation Conviction and Confidence
blueprints Seven Gifts Seven Viewpoints Seven Functions Seven Vulnerabilities
blueprints Gifts Prophet Server Teacher Exhorter Giver Administrator Mercy
blueprints Viewpoint Prophet Server Teacher Exhorter Giver Administrator Mercy –What is the truth? –How can I help? –What are the facts? –What could we do better? –What do you need? –What is the best approach? –Where do you hurt?
blueprints Function Prophet Server Teacher Exhorter Giver Administrator Mercy –Spiritual (Eyes) –Practical (Hands) –Mental (Mind) –Psychological (Mouth) –Material (Arms) –Organizational (Shoulders) –Emotional (Heart) (By Katie Fortune)
blueprints Vulnerabilities Prophet Server Teacher Exhorter Giver Administrator Mercy –Pride, Judgmental, Poor Self-image –Critical, Easily Hurt, Too Busy –Not Practical, Legalistic, Intolerant –Interrupts, Outspoken –Controlling, Unpredictable Giving –Driven, Workaholic, Focused –Indecisive, Easily Hurt, Enabler
identification Explore Compare Evaluate Assess
identification Explore all seven gifts to better understand your own.
identification Compare with Biblical and present day models.
identification Friends will tell you the truth!
identification Use a good assessment tool.
identification The framework for Unlocking the Gifts is found in the discovery process.