Properties of materials
The behaviour of a given material is characterised by the response to a stimulus. Mechanical properties (behaviour under a set of forces) Physical properties (behaviour under action of temperature, electrical or magnetic fields or radiation) Chemical properties (behaviour under the action of chemicals)
Mechanical properties studied as: time –independent time-dependent temperature-dependent
Applying a force to a structure causes a stress bringing about a strain. STRESS or TENSION : the ration between force F and the surface A to which is applied (Nm -2 o Pa). = F/A Three main types of stress: TENSILE, COMPRESSION and SHEAR
ELASTIC If, once removed the applied force, the material gains the initial state, such behavior is said to be ELASTIC
linear elastic behavior non linear elastic behavior (rubber) Anelastic behavior E elastic Hysteresis
LINEAR All materials, for small stresses, show a LINEAR elastic behavior (Hooke’s law) σ = E ε E = elastic modulus (Young modulus, dimensions of a pressure)
Curiously, the cause (load) is on the abscissa scale)
Covalent or ionic solids Metals Polymers E T melt
Tensile measurements: fragile (brittle) materials break beyond the elastic limit (ceramics, glasses) ductile materials (metals, polymers): plastic deformation
Fragile Material Ductile material
Toughness Toughness measures the energy a material can store before breaking Area under the curve!
Indeed, a corrected curve should be used… striction
Another measure of the cohesive strength of the material: tenacity Charpy pendulum
Time dependent mechanical properties: Creep Fatigue
CREEP A constant static load may cause deformation Not so important at ambient temperature, i.e. with biomaterials Relevant process when T > 0,3-0,4T melt (Metals and ceramics) T > T g (Polymers and glasses)
FATIGUE Degration in mechanical properties when a material is subjected to cyclic stresses Samples are subjected to different loads, and the number of cycles cause breakdown is measured at each load
Often, a limit value for the load (FATIGUE LIMIT) is observed
HARDNESS Property of the external layers of a material: resistance to scratching (Mohs’ scale), to abrasion and to plastic deformation upon compression. Measure: i) formation of an indentation by applying a static constant load for a definite time; ii) evaluation of the dimension
Rockwell Method
Ultimate Tensile strength Relationship between hardness and UTS
Thermal capacity* Thermal expansion* Thermal c onductivity Resistance to t hermal shocks* * Not really important in biomaterials
THERMAL CAPACITY Attitude of a body to store heat Ratio between exchanged heat and change in temperature SPECIFIC HEAT When normalised to unit mass SPECIFIC HEAT
THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Attitude of a body to transfer heat The thermal conductivity coefficient is defined through Fourier’s law: the heat flux across a unit surface is proportional to the temperature gradient (with inverted sign)
THERMAL EXPANSION Usually all solids expand when heated Coefficient of linear thermal expansion ()=
Chemical characterization Often surface only
Others: HRTEM Adsorption (porous systems)
Contact angle: Measures the wettability of a surface by a liquid Usually water or aqueous solutions (hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity) Also the surface tension of the solid
Ways of measuring contact angles
ESCA Highly energetic X-rays cause expulsion of the electrons of the inner cores, which have different binding energies, so allowing chemical determination
Infrared Spectroscopy: functional groups in a molecule are recognized through their vibrational features A well developed technique, very powerful…
Versions of the technique for surface analysis
Scanning tunneling microscope
The end