Snapshot of DAQ challenges for Diamond Martin Walsh.


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Presentation transcript:

Snapshot of DAQ challenges for Diamond Martin Walsh

Your role in all this... -SAC is the advisory body for Diamond: how do we make the most of your collective knowledge, experience and wisdom ? -Providing the information you need -Organisation and content of meetings -The most effective forum for discussion -Efficient transmission of your advice to us -Informing you how Diamond has acted on your advice – and what the result has been Harwell Campus ISIS CLF RAL Space Mary Lyon centre mouse functional genomics International Space Innovation Centre (ISIC) MRC Harwell Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Public Health England The European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT) Research Complex

Beamlines by Village Macromolecular Crystallography Soft Condensed Matter Spectroscopy Materials Engineering and Environment Surfaces and Interfaces eBIC

< 100GB/day < 1TB/day > 1TB/day Per Beamline Data Rates Tomography Beamlines have collected nearly 2PB of data, more than the rest of Diamond beamlines put together. New Arrival EM 2  5TB/day  XFEL from 2017

Some Numbers for Total number of user proposals: 642, delivered shifts 7964 (1 shift =8 hours) Total number of users 7,696 –(4,988 on site remote) –MX remote use now exceeds 50% of use Total number of Unique PhD’s 857 Total Journal papers published 3,883 (677 published in 2014)

Increasing resolution CryoET Single particle cryo EM X-ray crystallography B21 X-ray Solution Scattering Cryo-electron tomography One major player – integrated Structural biology Increasing biological complexity and integrity Fluorescence microscopy (B24/CLF) B24 X-ray microscopy Cellular cryo-electron tomography B22 - Infrared microspectroscopy

Cell/tissueSolutionCrystalline Electron Microscopy XFEL Life Science & DLS B22 Infrared B24 Cryo X-ray microscopy I18, I20, B18, I14 X-ray spectroscopy I22/B21 SAXS B23 CD Spectroscopy MX village ( I02, I03, I04) (I24, I04-1) (I23, VMX) National facility for EM in life & Physical Sciences UK Hub for XFEL sample and software developments I08 X-ray STXM I13 X-ray tomography & coherent diffraction

Cell Biology OPPF-UK MPL Cell Biology OPPF-UK MPL Diamond Beamlines: Macromolecular Crystallography, Scattering, X-ray spectroscopy ISIS beamlines: SANS Neutron Reflection (NR) Diamond Beamlines: Macromolecular Crystallography, Scattering, X-ray spectroscopy ISIS beamlines: SANS Neutron Reflection (NR) Computational environment / CCP4, CCP-EM HPC Synchrotron Imaging UK XFEL Cryo-EM/ET Electron Bio- Imaging Centre (eBIC) Cryo-EM/ET Electron Bio- Imaging Centre (eBIC) An integrated Approach to Structural Biology Fluorescence microscopy (CLF(STFC & DLS) Fluorescence microscopy (CLF(STFC & DLS)

Diamond Data Rates/Volumes History Early 2007: –Diamond first user. –No detector faster than ~10 MB/sec. Early 2009: –first Lustre system (DDN S2A9900) –first Pilatus 6M 60 MB/s. Early 2011: –second Lustre system (DDN SFA10K) –first 25Hz Pilatus 6M MB/s. Early 2013: –first GPFS system (DDN SFA12K) –First 100 Hz Pilatus 6M 600 MB/sec –~10 beamlines with 10 GbE detectors (mainly Pilatus and PCO Edge). Early 2016: –delivery of Eiger 16M for MX (initially at 6.75 GB/s, potential 13.5 GB/s) Doubling time = 7.5 months

Challenges Hardware life cycles are fast, and hardware problems can be solved with sufficient money. –So detector data rates are not the problem. Software life cycles are slow – our analysis routines have a clear lineage often dating back 40 years. –Software is a problem Synchrotron have to support a diverse range of techniques. –Systems and skills developed for one beamline are not appropriate for all beamlines. –Need to be able to attract talented software scientists AND software engineers Remote access to large scale facilities such as synchrotrons, XFELs, national facilities (e.g. Electron microscopy, HPC) –Need for dedicated light paths between these facilities to deal with data volumes generated

Use CASE: Structural Biology Numbers: –Raw Data Macromolecular crystallography Currently DIAMOND ( 3-6TB/day) 2016 – detector technology will enable easily X10 increase in data. Upgrades to beamlines will enable better exploitation (hardware can currently produce >100TB/day if samples available. Near future expect to produce 5PB MX data/year –this is at DIAMOND ALONE! Including SR MX beamlines over Europe expect to reach/exceed (25PB/year) European XFEL – SFX beamline at full operations potential to generate 300 TB/day –Raw Data Electron microscopy Electron Microscopy currently at 1TB/day/microscope – high resolution experiments to start in November ‘16 which will produce >5TB/day/microscope High resolution EM work from Jan 2016 will generate >10TB/day of data –Data reduction and analysis Requirement for Light paths to be established between large scale and national facilities – SR, CryoEM, Data Centers etc UK will have dedicated light path from European XFEL SFX beamline to DIAMOND – plans needed to extend... Currently large investment in software for data analysis is required to exploit developments in parallelized systems /new HPC storage

The future A lot of software will need to be redeveloped: –Incorporate modern paradigms like map-reduce. –May include middle layers processing that runs close to distributed data chunks. –Intermediate data will be cached between processing steps. Synchrotrons/Structural biology infrastructure will become turnkey sites. –Users may not come to site/facility –Results will be in the form of processed, not raw data. –There must be trust between the site and the user, backed up by data provenance and full metadata. –High speed light links between centers required.

Overview -First Impressions - Science highlights - Technical developments - Industrial engagement - Plans for the future - Finance Thanks for your attention

Example data access rates Example of 12GB/s …typically at 3-4GB/s

Tomography rates

MX/EM data storage 2015