GridShib Grid-Shibboleth Integration An Overview Von Welch
Nov 5, 20042GridShib Overview Some Background: Shibboleth Internet2 project Allows for inter-institutional sharing of web resources –Federation of identities and attributes –Uses attribute-based authorization –Standards-based (SAML) Being extended to non-web resources Part of NMI/EDIT distribution
Nov 5, 20043GridShib Overview Some Background: Globus Toolkit Collaborative work from the Globus Alliance Toolkit for Grid computing –Job submission, data movement, data management, resource management Security based on X.509 identity- and proxy-certificates Part of NMI Grids Center Suite
Nov 5, 20044GridShib Overview What is GridShib? Formally known as: –NSF Middleware Initiative (NMI) Grant: Policy Controlled Attribute Framework We call it “GridShib” In a nutshell: Allow the use of Shibboleth-issued attributes for authorization in NMI Grids built on the Globus Toolkit 2 year project starting December 1, 2004
Nov 5, 20045GridShib Overview The GridShib picture (1) Grid Authentication (2) Shib Attribute Request Shibboleth (3) Attributes Grid Service (4) Attribute-based authorization Campus User (0) Attribute Release Policy
Nov 5, 20046GridShib Overview Who is GridShib? NCSA Von Welch (PI) Shibboleth-PKI Integration “Get the assertion into the Grid.” Argonne/U. Chicago Kate Keahey (PI) Frank Siebenlist Globus Toolkit Policy Framework “Do something with the assertion in the Grid.” U. Chicago Tom Barton Deployment, Testing, Hardening “Make sure real users can use it.”
Nov 5, 20047GridShib Overview Why? Critical mass of grid deployments could use it Large grid, far-flung participants with several types of roles among them Examples: NEESgrid, Earth System Grid, TeraGrid, Grid3 (GriPhyN, iVDGL, and PPDG), SCEC Grid-mapfile approach not scaling Shibboleth is well supported and deployed Centralized campus resource for research computing Examples: UChicago, USC, UAB
Nov 5, 20048GridShib Overview Time is finally right Shibboleth & SAML have shown how to Authorize the anonymous user Extend integration of common infrastructure across administrative and operational domains Others are now trying non-browser-based “shibbolization” approaches roughly analogous to what we envision Sufficiently abstracted security related interfaces provided by NMI Grid componentry Plug: all code elements above are NMI components. We’re building on 3 years’ work of many people.
Nov 5, 20049GridShib Overview GridShib Integration Principles No modification to typical grid client applications Leverage shibboleth’s attribute administration and end-user maintenance of attribute release policies Leverage high-quality Campus Identity Provider operations Leverage high-quality Shib and Grid software
Nov 5, GridShib Overview GridShib Challenges Use of an identifier in X.509 certificate as a subject handle for use by the Shib Attribute Authority (SAA) –Shibboleth v1.3 should handle this Allowing VOs to define attributes meaningful to them Attribute Authority identification –“Where are you from” problem Plumbing interconnect Translating requirements into meaningful authorization policy Support pseudonymity
Nov 5, GridShib Overview Project objectives Priority 0: Gather requirements, identify users, related work –Users: U Chicago USC (Henderson) TeraGrid –Related work: Already established coordination with ESP-Grid, Dr. Jeffreys, Oxford, UK UAB (Gemmil) Georgetown (Leonhardt)
Nov 5, GridShib Overview Project objectives Priority 1: Pull mode operation –Globus services contact Shibboleth to obtain attributes about identified user Priority 2: Push mode operation –User obtains Shib attributes and push to service Allows role selection Priority 3: Pseudonymous access with MyProxy/GridLogon
Nov 5, GridShib Overview Timeline December 1, 2004: formal start –Kickoff meeting Dec U Chicago Summer 2005: First release –Basic integration: code supporting pull model with user identified –Selection and simple implementation of policy description language –GT 4.2? 4.4? (Timeframe not set) –Shibboleth 1.3
Nov 5, GridShib Overview Timeline (cont) 2006: Second release –Advanced integration: code supporting push and user-pseudonymity –Integration with MyProxy/GridLogon for improved usability –Integration of feedback from Y1 release
Nov 5, GridShib Overview Potential objectives Collaboration with Signet folks to allow for distributed attribute administration Support for alternatives to GT4: –Standard PKI-authenticated web services in addition to GT4 Some Grid projects looking at plain web services approach –Support for GT2 legacy code? Will there still be demand?
Nov 5, GridShib Overview Acknowledgements Working in collaboration with Steven Carmody and the Internet2 Shibboleth Design team –Providers of much valuable advice. Funded under NSF award SCI
Nov 5, GridShib Overview Questions? Project website: – Or contact: For more information on NMI: –