VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF EuroVO DCA WP5 Coordination with Computational Grid Projects G. Taffoni.


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Presentation transcript:

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF EuroVO DCA WP5 Coordination with Computational Grid Projects G. Taffoni – WP5 coord F. Pasian – INAF VO-DCA coord

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF What is WP5? Interest area: massive and distributed computing, Grid computing Promote coordination between computational Grid(s) and VObs Point of view of Data Centres GRID(s) through Data Centres Deliverables WP5-D12: Euro-VO – Computational Grids Workshop WP5-D13: Final Report on WP5 activities

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF …in practice How can Data Centres benefit of GRID computing? How can Astronomers benefit of Grid computing through Data Centres? We give suggestions and more!

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF Where did we start? Partners and collaborators Kick off meeting (30 Nov – 1 Dec 2006) Periodic teleconf NameAffiliationProject G. TaffoniINAFDCA M. SponzaINAFDCA P. OsunaESACDCA R. Alvarez TimonESACDCA G. LemsonMPGDCA J. ZutherMPGDCA H. EnkeIAPAstroGrid-D E. SolanoINTADCA J. Santander VelaIAA-CISCSpanish Grid A.SchaaffCNRSDCA K. NoddleLUDCA G. RixonIACAstroGrid E. ValentynNOVADCA A. BelikovNOVADCA

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF What we should do? Gathering information on the different mechanisms for users to access the individual computational Grid infrastructures (middleware, authentication procedures, user interfaces, etc) through contacts with various computational Grid projects How to interface Data Centre VObs computing tasks with the different computational Grids, through contacts with user communities (in coordination with WP4 and the TEG) and technical groups (e.g. VO-TECH) Fostering access by Data Centre to own national Grids, through the organization of a dedicated workshop Dissemination of the acquired knowledge Verifying that requirements from the VObs community are taken in the appropriate consideration by the individual computational Grid projects, through contacts with computational Grid projects and the OGF. …from Annex 1.

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF 1. Knowledge Acquisition Survey of European/National/Campus Grid initiatives We currently see different flavors of Grids deployed –Because of application needs, legacy constraints, funding, etc –Diversity is essential to find best solutions Grid computing standards are only being defined (OGF) –de jure and de facto standards Do Astronomers that use the Grid exist? –YES: National projects, No Astronomy-specific Grid project. Give DCs a “link” to Grid projects and to Standards.

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF Core topics Authentication & Authorization Data Management Job Management Information system Single-sign-on VOSpace Workflows Information System (Registries) Grids VObs

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF 2. Coordination Internal: WP4, WP3 External GRID Project –OGF, EGEE, DEISA, National and Campus Grids IVOA –Grid and WebSservices, Theory Interest Group EuroVO-TECH –DS3 architecture, Theory

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF Theory Theory is becoming important in the VObs Inclusion of theory data in the IVObs –data already produced –data produced on the fly Theory: –VO-DCA WP4, VO-TECH, IVOA GRIDs

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF EuroVO DCA and Grids EGEE: –We can (and do) use EGEE infrastructure –Interoperability –A new application specific environment for EGEE What are the other Grid projects and what are their peculiarities? ex: AstroGrid-D will use Globus, NOVA and Astro-Wise How can we access also those resources? INTEROPERABILITY is a keyword!!!

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF 3. Suggestions and guidelines HOWTOs –best practice procedures to access Grid facilities from Data Centres Suggestions (e.g.): –Similar/compatible auth&auth procedures ? –Data sharing between Data Centres and Grid ? –Interoperable workload management systems ?

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF 4. Dissemination Pervasive knowledge of Grid systems to Data Centres: –HOWTOs –Single knowledge repository: up-to-date pointers to documents on Grid Initiatives –Workshop –Schools (in coordination with Grid projects) Collections of Data Centres requirements Make Grid initiatives aware of the VObs requirements Interoperating is a two way interaction!!!

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF First year checkpoint …everything is related

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF 1. Knowledge Acquisition Survey of EU grid initiative is a living document, available at the DCA wiki page Grid standards on Authentication and Authorization, Data Management and Job Management –Correlated with the IVOA standards

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF Methodology Documents are not enough…. We identify some Data Centres that want to use Grid We identify two use cases: –data oriented –theory oriented Experiences drive our work.

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF Single-sign-on DCA requirements on SSO EuroVO-TECH DS3 + IVOA GWS Delegation Service –GSI+X509+PMA standard Prototype available –VOMS plug-in Document on SSO –Standards, (PMA, GSI, VOMS) –Recommendations –Suggestions. –Single-sign-on Guideline

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF 2. Interaction/Interoperability New VOrg in EGEE: “dca.eurovo.org” Data Centres and EGEE sites EGEE-III “Astro” cluster Participation to Grid conferences and forums (in particular OGF, EGEE) OGF Interoperability Group (work in progress in coordination with IVOA)

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF 3. Coordination Coordination with WP4 (back2back workshop) Coordination with VO-TECH DS3 architecture Coordination with IVOA Grid&WS group Coordination with NA3 EGEE for training Coordination between National VObs projects and Grid projects

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF NOVA example

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF 4. Dissemination Wiki page for links and documents EGEE NA4 and NA3 Local and Campus Grids Point Data Centres to workshops and training events organized by Grid projects

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF Next Milestone: EuroVO Computational Grids Workshop 9-11 April 2008 back2back with WP4 Aim: “lay the groundwork to build the bridge between the VObs and the standard Grid infrastructures making developers from the different fields meet and exchange experiences and solutions.”

VO DCA WP5 EuroVO-DCA Review, 10 January 2007 Giuliano Taffoni & Fabio Pasian - INAF