Measuring Gender Equality in the UNECE Region Andres Vikat Workshop on Gender Statistics Dissemination and Training Chisinau, 3-4 November 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Measuring Gender Equality in the UNECE Region Andres Vikat Workshop on Gender Statistics Dissemination and Training Chisinau, 3-4 November 2015

Multilateral agreements United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, 1979 Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, 1994 Beijing Platform for Action, 1995 Millennium Declaration, 2000 Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging, 2002 Sustainable Development Goals, 2015 – Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Recent UNECE publications and materials Manual “Developing gender statistics: a practical tool” (2010) in English, Russian and Chinese Survey module on measuring violence against women (2011) Guidelines for harmonizing time-use surveys (2013) Indicators of gender equality (2014) Using gender statistics: a toolkit for training data users (2015) in English, Russian, Romanian and Armenian

Gender Statistics Manual What is gender statistics? Why do we need it? How to produce? Improving the use Making it happen Available in English, Russian and Chinese

Training videos Advocacy Making it happen Gender and population sub- groups Reconciliation of family and work life Gender pay gap Disseminating and communicating gender statistics Gender-based violence Gender and decision-making Measuring informal employment Time-use surveys Incorporating gender into labour statistics Gender, entrepreneurship and access to finance Gender and infrastructure

Indicators of gender equality  UNECE regional set based on the global minimum  Measure progress towards gender-related policy goals  42 headline, 71 supporting indicators  Organized by the Beijing domains

For statistical organizations … It is no longer enough just to collect and produce statistics. To stay relevant and responsive, they need to – understand the needs of the diverse user community – improve dissemination – raise awareness of the value of statistics – actively encourage informed use of statistics

‘Making Data Meaningful’ Guides Writing stories about numbers (2009)Writing stories about numbers Presenting statistics (2009)Presenting statistics Communicating with the media (2011)Communicating with the media Statistical literacy (2014)Statistical literacy

Statistical literacy (not on gender statistics specifically) What is statistical literacy? Strategies for approaching different users Training of users Maintaining relationship with users Improving dissemination

Using gender statistics: a toolkit for training data users Aim: to increase the understanding and use of gender statistics Components: – Short user-friendly descriptions of concepts with practical examples – PowerPoint presentations – Practical exercises for use in training sessions Based on the UNECE indicators Examples from Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

Database: Many topics - information on the role of women and men in society, economy and family Time series - monitoring of outcomes of policy changes Support to statistical capacity-building and methodological work Data by sex In English and Russian New entry page design Android app Population and Gender Crime and violence Crime and violence Education Fertility, families and households Work-life balance Country Profiles Health and mortality Migration Population Public life and decision making Science and ICT Work and economy

Capacity-building project funded by the UN Development Account – Interregional cooperation to strengthen national capacities to measure progress in achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment Workshops: – National, 2015 Entrepreneurship: Armenia, Moldova Training of users: Armenia, Moldova – Regional (EECCA): March 2014, Geneva 3-4 Nov 2015, Moldova End May 2016, Lithuania

Objective of this workshop Enhance capacity of national statistical offices to disseminate and communicate gender statistics Enhance capacity of users to understand and use gender statistics Promote producer-user interaction related to gender statistics and gender issues Review draft toolkit for training data users Discuss national application of the toolkit