Sobering Certainties Very few things are guaranteed in life. But what is guaranteed by God should be very sobering for us to consider.


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Presentation transcript:

Sobering Certainties Very few things are guaranteed in life. But what is guaranteed by God should be very sobering for us to consider.

Introduction World and time are fleeting, and many things are uncertain and failing. Hebrew Writer shows us four things which God has made real, things that are sure (SOBERING CERTAINTIES) - Heb 9: “In as much as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment, so Christ also having been offered once to bear the sins of many, shall appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin to those who eagerly await Him.”

Everyone Will Die DEATH IS REAL - VERSE 27a. We don’t like to talk about it. The “Intellectuals” dismiss sin with a wave of the hand; But God recognizes it, and He holds humanity accountable - Ezekiel 18:20. Sin is personal transgression of God’s law - 1John 3:4; cf James 4:17. The CERTAIN result of Adam’s sin: Physical death comes swiftly, and without respect of persons - Rom 5:12 James 4:14; Ecclesiastes 9:2. And the CERTAIN result of our own sin: Spiritual death; Again, there is no respect of persons - 2Thessalonians 1:7-9.

THE JUDGMENT IS COMING - VERSE 27b There is no reason for anyone not to know that justice demands (and reveals) a day of final reckoning - John 5:28-29; Romans 14: The guilty and the wicked may escape their dues here (Ecclesiastes 7:15; 8:11-12); BUT a conclusion is coming - Romans 2:5-9. The Unchanging Word will be The Standard - John 12:48; Revelation 20:12. Thus there is the certainty of exposure - Numbers 32:23; Ecclesiastes 12:14.

The Judgment Is Coming Verse 27b No mistakes will be made in reference to words - Matthew 12:36. Every thought will be considered - Romans 2:16. Even motives will be known - 1Corinthians 4:5. Are you and I ready for that day to come? - 2Peter 3: The appointment is certain; We will not call and change the appointment -- Not postpone / cancel / or miss this one – For the lost: It will be the end of opportunity - cf Jeremiah 8:20. For the saved: It will be the door to eternal glory - 2Corinthians 5:1. Those who are prepared are not afraid - Philippians 1:21- 23; Revelation 14:13.

CHRIST DIED THAT WE MIGHT LIVE - VERSE 28a. The Father paid the price by giving His Only Son - 1Thessalonians 5:9-10. The Son gave Himself - Isaiah 53:5; Romans 5:6. Because He thus justified us, He arose - Romans 4:25 - 5:2. Then commissioned His ambassadors to preach the Good News to all the world - Mark 16:15-16; 2Corinthians 5: They taught the world how to accept salvation - 2Peter 3:9; Acts 17:30; 8:37; 2:38; Romans 6:4. The CERTAIN result, if we accept His grace - Acts 2:47; 1Timothy 6:12. If we are right with God, we can look forward to the 4th CERTAINTY:

CHRIST IS COMING AGAIN - VERSE 28b History has an appointed end - 2Peter 3:10; Acts 17:31. When -- We do not know; But we know it is CERTAIN - Acts 1:9. To unbelievers and to the disobedient, His Return provides no comfort, but holds forth only eternal anguish - 2Thessalonians 1:8-9. But for believers, there is held before us an indescribable HOPE, which results in changed lifestyles - Titus 2:11-14.

Conclusion Not very many things in life we can depend on, but rest assured that God is faithful to His Word; So In view of the insecurity of this physical existence, we should take the Lord into account in all our plans. Death is CERTAIN -- Are you prepared? Judgment is CERTAIN -- You and I will be there! Salvation is CERTAIN -- Have you benefited by His death? His coming is CERTAIN -- Are you ready if He should come today? These are SOBERING CERTAINTIES.