Revolutionary War Figures
1. Brewer 2. They protested British Policies and encouraged merchants and citizens to boycott British goods 3. He organized the protest against the Stamp Act and founded the Sons of Liberty 4. The committee wrote letters and pamphlets reporting events to colonists in the South.
1. He was a schoolteacher and a lawyer. 2. His essay stated that the Stamp Act would ruin the law. 3. He represented the British officers involved in the Boston Massacre.
1. He was a Virginia plantation owner. 2. He was elected commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. 3. He played many roles in the Revolution such as commander, he lead the Constitutional Conventions, and he had good leadership skills.
1. Her brother was struck on the head by a British official and suffered brain damage. 2. She wrote propaganda pieces against the British making fun of them. 3. Abigail and John Adams encouraged her to write.
1. He said that the king was not listening to the people and acting like a dictator. 2. He said he would rather be dead that without his freedom. 3. He was a part of the House of Burgesses, VA committee of correspondence, and governor of Virginia.