SYMBIOSIS PROGRAM 2 Current MTDC Symbiosis Programmes: Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) MTDC’s Graduate Entreprenuership Programme or Symbiosis is aimed to train graduates to become technopreneurs. The programme is on commercialisation and entrepreneurship. The candidates will lead start-up companies to commercialise technology from the University/Research Institutes (Uni/Ri)
OBJECTIVE 3 COMMERCIALISATION BASED ON TECHNOLOGY ENTREPRENEURSHIP Objective Encourage commercialisation of Research and Development (R&D ); Description Increase the number of technology based start-up companies; Gear up graduates with entrepreneurial skill; and OPPORTUNITIES Provide opportunities for graduates in managing technology-based start-up companies
CRDF Approved Projects by Source of R&D 4
PROGRAM PHASE 5 Selection Induction Course (IC²) Final Selection Business Model Transfer of Technology & Spin- off Companies Setup Fund Raising Incubation Program Phase MTDC Symbiosis Technologies Participants
PHASE 1: SELECTION OF TECHNOLOGIES & PARTICIPANTS 6 Selection of Technologies List of technologies for commercialization from University / Research Institution. Conduct Market Research and Feasibility Study. Only selected technology will be commecialised Selection of Participants Recruitment of participants will be advertised in the mass media. Interview Session will be conducted Participants who display the traits of an entrepreneur and creative will be selected.
PHASE 2: INDUCTION COURSE (IC²) Activities Induction Induction Course (IC²) Entrepreneurship Participants are introduced to the selected technologies. Visit to laboratory. Session with Researcher. Introduction to Commersialisation and its various activities. Basic concept of marketing and market development. Understanding the concept of Business Model. Establishment of companies. Preparation the Business Plan. Develop basic function of a company
PHASE 3: FINAL SELECTION 8 Participants are required to develop a business plan framework. Understanding of the Business Model and Market Validation. Personality and behavior throughout the course also be taken into consideration.. 30 participants will be chosen based on the business plan framework. Presentation
PHASE 4: BUSINESS MODEL 9 Market Validation Customer Validation Project Management Financial Management
SYMBIOSIS TIMELINE 10 weeks Period 3 weeks Symbiosis Program will take one year period. There are 5 Phase in the program. During the initial stage, 40 participants will be participate in the program. Selection of Technologies and Participants Final Selection Induction Course (IC ²), 5 weeks Business Model Transfer of Technology & Start-up Setup 4 weeks 6 months Incubation
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