Review of Units 2 & 3 The “Finals” Countdown!
FINAL EXAM: Worth 25% of overall grade 70 multiple choice questions (10 per unit) No DBQ or essay Grade you receive on the final examination # of Questions you can miss to get that grade A0-5 B6-10 C11-16 D17-21 F22 or more incorrect answers
Let’s start with Unit 2
…CAN YOU NAME… The Topic of Unit 2? – Foundations of Civilization The famous law code we studied in Unit 2? – Hammurabi’s Code One of this code’s main principles? – An Eye for an Eye The two types of laws from Unit 2? – Codified and Common Law The two major “Western” civilizations we covered in this unit? – Rome and Greece
…Okay, how about this…?
Greece and Rome…Two Types of Democracy Ancient Greece practiced… – Direct Democracy Ancient Romans had a different type of government called… – Representative Democracy
Review Activity for Unit 2 STUMP THE CHUMP!!!! Write three questions for each category (you have 6-8 minutes to write each one) Quiz your partner—try and stump him or her! – Who has the highest score? Plebeians and Patricians Agriculture in Early Civilizations Democracy in Greece Democracy in Rome Hammurabi’s Code
…now onto Unit 3
…CAN YOU NAME… The Topic of Unit 3? – The Middle Ages What happened that led to the Middle Ages? – Rome Fell The name of the social hierarchy from this time? – Feudalism The four classes in the feudal triangle? – King, Lord, Vassal, Serf The wars fought over Jerusalem? – The Crusades The leader who was crowned by a Pope? – Charlemagne
…Oh yeah! Remember this?
…And what was the most important organization during the Middle Ages?? THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!
Review Activity, Unit 3: SKITS – You and your partner(s) will be assigned a skit to demonstrate one portion of the Middle Ages for the class. – You will be given 15 minutes to prepare. – The skit should be 2 minutes long – Practice first!!!
SKIT EXPECTATIONS: Use your classmate’s time wisely Be a respectful, silent audience Use the provided guide to follow along with each one REMEMBER: this is a review!!
the FINAL Study Guide… Seven total units, (Units 2-8) Deadlines for each Unit is as follows: Unit(s) DueDeadline Unit 2 & 3Friday, 1/4/13 Units 4 & 5Monday, 1/7/13 Unit 6Tuesday, 1/8/13 Unit 7Wednesday, 1/9/13 Unit 8Thursday, 1/10/13 STEM ProjectFriday, 1/11/13
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 311 Happy New Year! 2 Welcome Back— Zeitgeist BEGIN STEM PROJECT 3 BEGIN Review Obj. 2&3 STEM: NOTES DUE 4 Review: Obj. 3/4 STEM STEM:Question Due SG: UNIT 2/3 DUE 7 Review: Obj. 5 STEM SG: UNIT 4/5 DUE 8 Review: Obj. 6&7 STEM SG: UNIT 6 DUE 9 Review: Obj. 8 SG: UNIT 7 DUE STEM: One Pager Due 10 Review: ALL Obj. STEM SG: UNIT 8 DUE 11 STEM Projects 14-½ Day Period 1 Final Exam Period 2 Study Hall 15-½ Day Period 2 Final Exam Period 3 Study Hall 16- ½ Day Period 3 Final Exam Period 4 Study Hall 17-½ Day Period 4 Final Exam Period 1 Study Hall 18-½ Day Make Up Exams
..Whoah! Ms. Wrede, that’s a lot of stuff to deal with! That’s why school time is so valuable! In World History, there will be several opportunities to work on assignments on a few occasions before Finals. USE IT OR LOSE IT!
STUDY GUIDE/STEM WORKTIME Upcoming Deadlines: – Friday, 1/4/2013 STEM: Question Due STUDY GUIDE: Unit 2 Due – Monday, 1/7/2013 STUDY GUIDE: Units 3 & 4 Due “Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste your life, or master your time and master your life.” Alan Lakein