A LIGN, E NGAGE, A DVANCE : T RANSFORMING I NDIANA ’ S W ORKFORCE Jennifer O’Shea Director, Indiana Regional Works Councils Department of Workforce Development OCTOBER, 2015
T HE C HALLENGE : B UILDING C OLLECTIVE S KILLS 1 in 6 Hoosiers lacks a high school diploma 40% of businesses indicate difficulty finding talent 1 in 3 Hoosiers completed a 2 yr or 4 yr degree
DWD G OALS FOR T RANSFORMING I NDIANA ’ S W ORKFORCE 1.E NGAGE E MPLOYERS TO C REATE A D EMAND -D RIVEN S YSTEM FOR S ECTOR - B ASED AND R EGIONALLY S PECIFIC B USINESS N EEDS Collaborate with industry stakeholders to identify key employee skill sets Link investments for education, training, and career development Launch or expand regional sector partnerships that complement the state’s ability to collect information and respond to sector needs 2. S YSTEM A LIGNMENT Streamline the governance structure Increase integration and efficiencies cost-sharing data-sharing service integration Provide real-time in-demand career information to K-12 and post secondary institutions
DWD G OALS FOR T RANSFORMING I NDIANA ’ S W ORKFORCE 3. E LEVATING C AREER AND T ECHNICAL E DUCATION AT THE S ECONDARY, A DULT, AND P OSTSECONDARY L EVELS BY E NSURING A LL A SSETS ARE T ARGETING I MMEDIATE OR F UTURE B USINESS N EEDS Improve access to quality career counseling information tools for all Hoosiers Expand successful programs and partnerships such as Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG), WorkINdiana, Adult Education, HIRE, TAA, and rapid response Engage secondary, community colleges and postsecondary institutions to align career pathways with increasing work-and-learn partnerships 4. E XPAND WORKFORCE SKILLS TO MEET CONTINUING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Increase attainment of Post-Secondary Certifications and degrees to support future business needs and economic development opportunities Create rapid response opportunities for site selection committees who are trying to relocate high-tech companies in Indiana. Offer assistance to regional partnerships to ensure they are developing talent for the jobs of the future that will ensure Indiana’s economy continues to grow in dynamic new ways
Indiana Regional Works Councils Regional Works Councils – Regional Consortia model with employer-led focus on CTE curriculum review, alignment and future development to meet industry needs – Engages CTE, workforce, education, community, economic development, business and industry representatives – More than 160 participants state-wide – Explore alternatives ways to meet industry needs – Enhance career readiness of Hoosier adults and students – Over $5 million in grant funding for CTE Awareness, Innovative CTE Curriculum, and Implementation of regional action plans “ Every student deserves the same opportunity for success, whether they want to go to college or start their career right out of high school. This is not about a Plan A and a Plan B – this is about two Plan A’s. It advances the principle that all honest work is honorable work.” -Governor Mike Pence
CTE Innovation Grants NIPSCO and the LaPorte County CTE Program recently created the state’s first Energy Academy. The CTE program offers hands-on experiences in electromechanical installation and maintenance, energy and environmental technology, public utilities, and residential and commercial energy. Students participating in Kokomo’s groundbreaking CEO program meet with local businesses. The dynamic CTE initiative for young entrepreneurs is one of the first recipients of Innovative CTE Curriculum Grants from the Indiana Works Councils. Students participating in the Conexus HIRE program earn hands on experience in advanced manufacturing at Anderson High School and Fairfield High School 25 Grantees among 10 of 11 Regional Works Councils More than $4.3M awarded $3M in private match To date nearly 2700 students impacted Earning more than 3600 dual credits and over 100 certifications More than 500 Work and Learn experiences
CTE Awareness Grants Awarded CTE Awareness grants of $65,000 to ten regional works councils to: – bolster awareness of local career and technical education efforts – expand knowledge of regional employer needs – highlight available training and education programs – provide greater recognition of long-term career opportunities for local students and adults who may be changing careers
OVERVIEW: Postsecondary Pathways is a regionally based discussion among K-12 educators, corporations, employers, youth-serving professionals, and state and regional government agencies about how best to connect Hoosier students with the education and careers that fit their skills and interests. In partnership with IYI, State Chamber, and CELL Have successfully hosted six events to date with four more planned in the coming months Events include industry panels, industry tours, and keynote speakers such as the Commissioner of CHE, the Governor, and the Lt. Governor Post-Secondary Pathways Events
Technical Assistance OVERVIEW: The Education Workforce Innovative Network (EWIN) is partnering with the Indiana Regional Works Councils to provide an array of technical assistance services, including: Regional Landscape Review Coalition Building Outcome-Based Assistance Sector Partnership Development Pathway Development
Goal: to build broad collaborations among regional partnerships Up to $11 M total grant pool 25% local private match Outcomes: Increased educational attainment Development of career pathways Increased work & learn Alignment of education and workforce needs Deadlines: 9/30 letter of interest 11/2 Preliminary Proposal 12/31 Application due S KILL UP G RANTS
Region 9 Works Council Chair: Chris Lowery Chancellor, Ivy Tech Community College
Indiana Regional Works Councils Regional Works Councils – Regional Consortia model with employer-led focus on CTE curriculum review, alignment and future development to meet industry needs – Engages CTE, workforce, education, community, economic development, business and industry representatives – More than 160 participants state-wide – Explore alternatives ways to meet industry needs – Enhance career readiness of Hoosier adults and students – Over $5 million in grant funding for CTE Awareness, Innovative CTE Curriculum, and Implementation of regional action plans “ Every student deserves the same opportunity for success, whether they want to go to college or start their career right out of high school. This is not about a Plan A and a Plan B – this is about two Plan A’s. It advances the principle that all honest work is honorable work.” -Governor Mike Pence
Region 9 Works Council Action Plan Region 9’s action plan will: Align pathways, certifications, curriculum, programs, and funding to meet student/community/employer needs Establish demand-driven pathways, certifications, curriculum, skills, competencies, programs, and related services for key clusters and sectors with focus on innovation (content and delivery) Grow enrollment, retention, and placement in identified pathways Strengthen partnerships between employers, trades, education, and community partners Increase student opportunity to pursue internships, co-ops, and apprenticeships Region 9 is in the final stages of selecting a candidate to perform the following duties: Build partnerships between education, business, and community foundations Focus on pathway initiatives Highlight where gaps exist and determine which certifications may be valuable to help close those gaps Help determine which curriculum and certifications align with industry need Region 9 was awarded an Action Plan Implementation grant from the Indiana Works Councils in the amount of $75,000 with $75,000 secured in private matching funds.
Region 9 Works Council Action Plan Region 9’s Action Plan also seeks to enhance the coordination and alignment of the EcO15 regional learning system and action networks. Three action networks exist in the region, comprised of the Regional Works Council, Workforce Development Board (WDB), Community Education Coalition (CEC), EcO15, and Area Health Education Center (AHEC): Educational Attainment (secondary, post-secondary, and adult) Advanced Manufacturing Career Action Health Care Career Action Advanced manufacturing and health care are the two largest sectors in SE Indiana, are growing the quickest, and have salaries which are above the regional median income To help facilitate coordination across the three action networks, Region 9 hosts quarterly collaborative meetings between the Works Council, WDB, EcO15, CEC, and AHEC.
Region 9 Works Council CTE Awareness Grant Community Education Coalition Grant Funding: $65,000 Private Match: $35,000 Produce promotional and communication projects about skilled trades utilizing Eco 15 and Dream It Do It Champion network from June 2014 to June Develop a regional video highlighting industry and business partners from June 2014 to June Research the disconnect between students, parents schools, and CTE from June 2014 to June Innovative CTE Curriculum Grant Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp Grant Funding: $204,805 Private Match: $70,000 Sector: Industrial Maintenance New course design to model a polytechnic institute with work-based learning opportunities during senior year. The 2-year Maintenance Technician curriculum includes training in: safety, robotics, hydraulics, pneumatics, micro processes, blueprint reading, welding, HVAC, and CNC programmable controllers 17 students enrolled in Fall 2015 semester