MTAC User Group 1 Weekly Meeting January 9, 2014
Purpose and Overview3 Action Items Review: Open and Closed Issues4 General Updates/Information 5-6 Mailer Issues Review7 New Topics: Open Discussion8 Q&A/Wrap Up/Contact Information9 12/25/ Agenda
Approach To collaborate with the industry to understand new and/or existing issues and to determine next steps or actions to be taken to address and resolve those issues. Purpose To resolve identified issues and to define and review improvements in functionality across the PostalOne!, SASP and Intelligent Mail systems. Goal The PostalOne!, SASP, Intelligent Mail User Group 1 will become the formal vehicle for the cross-exchange of technical systems information to ensure the industry and Postal Service work together throughout the lifecycle of software deployments. The mission of the PostalOne!, SASP, Intelligent Mail User Group 1 will be to address and resolve issues identified and to define and review improvements in functionality across the PostalOne!, SASP and Intelligent Mail systems. The User Group 1 will create ad hoc subgroups to address specific issues as necessary. Purpose and Overview 3
Action Items Review: Open and Closed Issues 4 ActionOwnerDue DateStatusComments Issue with 2% unique Imb in eDOC: USPS stated that there will be no assessment of unique IMb in eDOC until July 2014 release, but currently her eDOC files are getting blocked due to not meeting the 2% threshold. USPS Garrett Hoyt / Kelley Sullivan) TBDOpen The posting of final prices. USPSTBDOpen Are there any exception processes for vendors and mailers not ready for January 26 th changes? USPSTBDOpen
5 Attention PostalOne!® Users PostalOne! ® Release Deployment — will require an extended maintenance window to complete all software updates. There will be a PostalOne! outage from 12:00AM(midnight) CT through 9:00AM CT, on Sunday, January 12, A mandatory Mail.dat ® client download will be available immediately following the software update. Release notes for PostalOne! Release can be found on RIBBS by clicking on Major/Minor Release Schedule/ 2014 Releases in the left-hand navigation bar or by going directly on RIBBS.RIBBS PostalOne! Release Deployment to Test Environment for Mailers (TEM) — will occur on Monday, January 13, 2014, and PostalOne! TEM will be unavailable from 5:30AM CT through 3PM CT PostalOne! Release Deployment
General Updates/Information 6 Status of CAT Testing for January 2014 (Andrew Burtle) January 2014 Release Deployment Outage Notification BPM Barcoded / Non-Barcoded Surcharge Indicator of B (Tariq Mirza) Will USPS Remove Full-Service Discount ($.003/.001) if mailing not Full-Service Compliant – Jan 26, 2014 (Diane Smith)
Mailer Issues Review 7 Production Priority(None) Grand Total Critical51713 High Medium Low213 (None) Grand Total Mailer Issues Have Been Scheduled for a Release as of 01/07/2014
New Topics: Open Discussion
Q&A/Wrap Up/Contact Information 9 If you have any additional questions or concerns, please send to USPS Contacts: Kelley Sullivan Uni Han-Norton Kathryn Mackey Donna Cody Frank Bermudez Industry Leads: Linda Gustason Steve Krejcik