S UCCESSFUL M EETINGS Productive meetings are not accidents!
Plan with a purpose Take the steps needed to get you to your end goal! “BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND”
P URPOSEFUL P LANNING Define the objective of the meeting Who needs to attend? Structure of the meeting Location/Time Set an agenda Select a leader
T HE A GENDA Gives Direction States Objectives Topics Follow your agenda Distribute it ahead of
O BJECTIVES What do you want to accomplish? Solve a problem Make a decision Keep your objectives clear!
I NVITE /L OCATION Who should attend? Who needs to be there? Select a convenient location for your meeting type…keep in mind your needs!
M EETING S TRUCTURE Brainstorming Guest speaker Panel Sessions Demonstration Whatever technique you select should have the greatest impact on your desired outcome!
S ELECT A L EADER Keeps you focused and on topic Clarify and paraphrase key ideas. Ask open-ended questions to encourage input Keep the focus on ideas and objectives, not people. Assign next steps throughout the meeting. Make all next steps specific assignments
E TIQUETTE Start and Stop on Time Be on time Be prepared/ Be relevant Participate Do not interrupt Do not hold “side bar” conversations
T HE U SUAL S USPECTS The Late Arriver The Meeting Hijacker The Techie
Tips Apple- Steve Jobs, more is not merrier Our attention span is between minutes (Steve Jobs at Stanford, MLK) Facebook and Google-Think on your feet Microsoft-Share air time (Frank the chicken) American Express-Know your purpose in 5 words or less