PENT 2015 Cognitive Behavioral Intervention (CBI) for Individuals with ASD Ann England, M.A., CCC-SLP-L Assistant Director, Diagnostic Center, Northern California, CDE PENT Leader * CAPTAIN Leader
3 Important ASD EBP Resources California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) National Professional Development Center (NPDC) National Autism Center (NAC) ASD Guidelines for Effective Interventions 27 Evidence Based Practices Briefs EBPs for Young Children National Standards Project Report Evidence Based Practices in Schools Educator Manual Parent’s Guide to EBP and ASD NOT YET AVAILABLE
Systematic Reviews of the Literature for Evidence Based Practices (EBPs) In 2009, 11 “treatments” or practices with an evidence base Reviewed by National Standards Project from National Autism Center Included 1957-2007 (NOTE: Update to be released Spring 2015) In 2010, 24 EBPs National Professional Development Center (NPDC) Included 10 years, 1997-2007 In 2014, 27 EBPs Second review by NPDC Included 22 years, 1990-2011 29,101 possible studies 456 studies RCT (randomized controlled trial), quasi-experimental, single case design Strength of evidence for assessment Based on number, type of studies using each EBP As we accumulate more knowledge of what is successful, the number of evidence based practices grows. In 2009, the National Standards Project conducted a comprehensive review of all the autism intervention literature. Using a systematic review protocol, they identified practices, which they called treatments. In 2010, the National Professional Development Center on ASD (NPDC) reviewed a 10 year period of intervention research (from 1997-2007), also followed a systematic process, and identified 24 evidence-based practices. A comparison of the two sets of EBPs found substantial overlap. This year, the NPDC published an updated review of practices that extended the literature review period from 1990 to 2011. It began with identification of over 29,000 possible studies, with the screening process finding 456 acceptable studies.
March 2014
Definition of EBP (NPDC) NPDC definition of an EBP: “Focused intervention practices that have substantial evidence for effectiveness in promoting positive outcomes for learners with ASD”
NPDC Criteria for EBP To be considered an EBP for individuals with ASD, efficacy must be established through peer-reviewed research in scientific journals using: At least two high quality experimental or quasi-experimental group design articles conducted by at least two different researchers or research groups OR At least five high quality single case design articles conducted by at least three different researchers or research groups having a total of at least 20 participants across studies A combination of at least one high quality experimental or quasi-experimental group design article and at least three high quality single case design articles conducted by at least two different research groups
Newest NPDC Report Findings (Literature review 1997–2011) 27 EBPs as compared to 24 EBPs identified in the previous review Six new EBP categories: Cognitive Behavior Interventions Exercise Modeling Scripting Structured play groups Technology-Aided Instruction and Intervention
27 Evidence – Based Practices (2014) Pivotal response training Prompting Reinforcement Response interruption/redirection Scripting* Self-management Social narratives Social skills training Structured play groups* Task analysis Technology-aided intervention/instruction* Time delay Video modeling Visual supports * Added from 2014 literature review Antecedent-based interventions Cognitive behavioral intervention* Differential reinforcement Discrete trial training Exercise* Extinction Functional behavior assessment Functional communication training Modeling* Naturalistic interventions Parent-implemented intervention Peer-mediated instruction/intervention Picture Exchange Communication System
The 27 EBPs are defined in Table 7 of the report! What are these EBPs? The 27 EBPs are defined in Table 7 of the report!
FACT SHEETS FOR EACH OF THE 27 EBPs Definition of the intervention Age range of participants Type of outcomes it has generated Citations for the specific articles that provide the evidence for the efficacy of the practice
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Ann’s CBI for ASD Info Template Includes Fact Sheet Information
What’s the research? See the Fact Sheet! Research Studies Providing Evidence (CBI meets evidence-based criteria with 3 group design and 1 single case design studies): Drahota, A., Wood, J. J., Sze, K. M., & Van Dyke, M. (2011). Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy on daily living skills in children with high-functioning autism and concurrent anxiety disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41(3), 257-265. doi: 10.1007/s10803-010-1037-4 Singh, N. N., Lancioni, G. E., Manikam, R., Winton, A. S., Singh, A. N., Singh, J., & Singh, A. D. (2011). A mindfulness-based strategy for self-management of aggressive behavior in adolescents with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(3), 1153-1158. doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2010.12.012 Sofronoff, K., Attwood, T., & Hinton, S. (2005). A randomised controlled trial of a CBT intervention for anxiety in children with Asperger syndrome. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46(11), 1152- 1160. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2005.00411.x Sofronoff, K., Attwood, T., Hinton, S., & Levin, I. (2007). A randomized controlled trial of a cognitive behavioural intervention for anger management in children diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37(7), 1203-1214. doi: 10.1007/s10803-006-0262-3
What is CBI for ASD? “Cognitive behavioral intervention (CBI) is based on the belief that behavior is mediated by cognitive processes. Learners are taught to: examine their own thoughts and emotions, recognize when negative thoughts and emotions are escalating in intensity and then use strategies to change their thinking and behavior. *These interventions tend to be used with learners who display problem behavior related to specific emotions or feelings, such as anger or anxiety.
What is the Purpose of CBI for ASD? “CBI can be used effectively to address: Social Communication Behavior Cognitive Adaptive and Mental health outcomes for individuals with ASD”
Cognitive Behavioral Interventions Are Often Used In Conjunction With Other EBPs such as….. social narratives/social stories social skills training reinforcement parent-implemented intervention self-regulation visual supports/schedules special interests
Who are the intended implementers? Professionals who are trained and experienced in CBT/I and ASD. CBI for ASD is sometimes implemented as a collaborative effort in clinic sessions, school and/or home in individual and/or group contexts (e.g., mental health professional, educators, speech-language pathologists, school psychologists, parents, etc.)
Applicable Populations / Grade Levels According to the NPDC March 2014 report evidence-based studies, this intervention has been effective for: elementary school-age learners (6-11 years) to high school-age learners (15-18 years) with ASD
A Brief Description Traditional CBT/I tends to require strong linguistic and abstract thinking abilities and these can be a challenge for individuals with ASD. Researchers have been developing modifications to make it more effective with individuals with an ASD by making it better suited to the learning styles of individuals with ASD, for example, by making it more repetitive, visual, and concrete.
A Brief Description Generally, CBT programs for youth with ASD have been clinic based and have not specifically and/or typically included: school component working collaboratively with others involved in the individual’s treatment and education (e.g., parents and school personnel) as a modified CBT/I might…
A few examples of how to include EBPs for ASD in an individualized modified CBI:
EBPs: Visual Support * Self Management Instead of just asking the individual with ASD to verbally rate their anxiety on a scale of 1 to 10, the interventionist might use the EBPs of Visual Support and Self-Management Emotion Thermometer Incredible 5 Point Scale Individual points to show how high their anxiety is around a certain situation
The Incredible 5 Point Scale Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis Behavioral support that breaks down behaviors and social interactions into clear, visual and tangible pieces so that student can learn appropriate ways to respond and interact in difficult situations. A scale can be created using colors, pictures, or a rating system of 1 to 5.
EBP: Special Interests Incorporating the EBP of Special Interests in the sessions to motivate individual to engage in treatment activities. For example, Using favorite cartoon characters to model coping skills Or interspersing conversations about their special interest throughout treatment sessions to promote motivation and engagement.
Established Treatment: Antecedent Package Special Interests
Including Social Skills Development EBPs: Social Narratives/Social Stories/ Social Skills Training/Video Modeling Gives the individual increased skills to be socially successful because…. ….. the core social deficits of individual’s with ASD contribute to the experience of anxiety, which then serves to intensify the social problems.
EBP Social Narrative/Social Story
Social Skills Training
EBP: Video Modeling
Incorporating Peers EBP: Peer Mediated Instruction and Intervention Incorporating natural supports of peers since the core deficit area is social communication and interaction and subsequent lack of friendships…. and this causes anxiety… …makes sense to incorporate peers as part of treatment program!
Decrease Verbal Demands Use EBP: Visual Support/Schedules For example: Provide a written or graphic weekly agenda showing when each session will occur and…. Provide detailed structure of each session allows the individual with ASD to predict activities and breaks throughout the session.
Include EBP: Reinforcement Including the EBP of Reinforcement helps to keep the individual with ASD motivated and engaged.
Include EBP: Parent-Implemented Intervention Working with parents collaboratively is a proven EBP that results in better outcomes!
When will the NPDC have guidelines available? In Fall 2015 the NPDC will have the following information developed and available: Brief: a file that contains key documents including an overview of the practice, evidence-base for the practice, step-by-step implementation strategies, and implementation checklists for fidelity) Autism Internet Module on CBI for ASD
AFIRM NPDC Self-Learning Modules Autism Focused Intervention Resources and Modules New EBP Learning Modules!
Implementation Fidelity is Critical! What does this mean? “Implementing an intervention in the same manner in which it was done in the evidence-based research”
What’s “out there” now? Modified version of CBT by Clinical Psychologist Jeffrey Wood, Ph.D. of the Center for Autism Research and Treatment at UCLA. This modified CBT/program is described in the 2009 article, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Anxiety In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Randomized, Controlled Trial, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50, 224–234, Wood, J. J., available at:
Wood’s Enhanced CBT Wood, developed an enhanced CBT program by expanding the traditional aspects of existing CBT treatments for anxiety in typically developing children.
Wood’s Enhanced CBT includes a school consultation component incorporates concurrent skill building in core ASD symptoms suspected to contribute to anxiety symptomatology (e.g., social skills or preoccupation with restricted interests)
Wood’s Enhanced CBT Provides in vivo parent training to address both the complex needs of youth with ASD and promote generalization of skills to school and community settings Targets aspects of ASD that contribute to school adjustment—for example, providing skills and support for building friendships that can lead to inclusion in activities and games, and a more satisfying daily routine.
27 EBPs Matrix Available on the CAPTAIN Website English and Spanish!