Title 30 point second line if required Sub-title 24 point Second line if required
Bio Title Sub-title 18pt with 1 line spacing after Main copy size 14 point Line spacing 1.2 for all text Bullet 1 use standard bullet - Bullet 2 use for secondary bullet Original Thinking Applied
Agenda Agenda item one Agenda item two (add line break between each item) Agenda item three Agenda item four Agenda item five Agenda item six, this should be the last line of text in this column Agenda item seven (delete this column as appropriate) Agenda item eight Agenda item nine Agenda item ten If the number of agenda items exceeds eleven, reduce font size to 14 point.
Title for text slide 24 point with 1 line spacing after Sub-title 18pt with 1 line spacing after Main copy size 14 point Line spacing 1.2 for all text Bullet 1 use standard bullet - Bullet 2 use for secondary bullet Begin second column of text here. Delete as necessary.
Title for text slide purple background 24 point with 1 line spacing after Sub-title 18pt with 1 line spacing after Main copy size 14 point Line spacing 1.2 for all text Bullet 1 use standard bullet - Bullet 2 use for secondary bullet Begin second column of text here. Delete as necessary.
Title for table slide up to two lines Sub-title 18pt with 1 line spacing after Main copy size 14 point Line spacing 1.2 for all text Table text should be 10 point regular for main content and 10 point bold for column titles. This may be reduced to 8 point if required. Adjust column width as necessary, but do not extend the width or height of the table Text here
Title for table slide up to two lines Sub-title 18pt with 1 line spacing after Main copy size 14 point Line spacing 1.2 for all text Table text should be 10 point regular for main content and 10 point bold for column titles. This may be reduced to 8 point if required. Adjust column width as necessary, but do not extend the width or height of the table Text here
Shapes to create diagrams with. Increase/decrase size and rotate as required. Text placed within these shapes should be white.
Title for pie chart up to two lines Sub-title 18pt with 1 line spacing after 8.2% 1.2% 1.4% 3.2%
Title for bar chart up to two lines Sub-title 18pt with 1 line spacing after 8.2% 1.4% 3.2%
Title for line graph up to two lines Sub-title 18pt with 1 line spacing after 8.2% 1.4% 3.2%
8.2% 1.4% 3.2% Title for text slide 24 point with 1 line spacing after Sub-title 18pt with 1 line spacing after Main copy size 14 point Line spacing 1.2 for all text Bullet 1 use standard bullet - Bullet 2 use for secondary bullet
8.2% 1.4% 3.2% Title for image slide
8.2% 1.4% 3.2% Title for images slide
8.2% 1.4% 3.2% Title for video slide Insert video into this area