Teaching for the future – encouraging learners to be aware of global issues with an emphasis on sustainability. Cheryl Douglas Bishops
Global issues and sustainability What are global issues? Why should we teach global issues? Teaching global issues –within subjects –as an extramural Internet resources –for teachers –for learners Using ICT to present work
Millennium Development Goals High Noon: 20 Global Problems, 20 years to solve them by J. F Rischard What are Global Issues?
Teacher resource Gets kids involved
Link on Bishop’s Intranet Teacher resource
See for ideashttp://
Basic Books New York, 2002 Clayton Lewis G20 Conference 28 March 2006
J.F. Rischard's High Noon A Beleaguered Planet Population increase New World Economy
JF Rischard High Noon Population Increase From 6 to 8 billion by Of +2 billion…95% in developing countries
JF Rischard High Noon Population Increase Urban migration Food production Global warming Infectious diseases Deforestation Fishery depletion Loss of biodiversity Pollution of the seas Water scarcity
JF Rischard High Noon New World Economy It is bent on speed-so you have to be agile. It flows across national boundaries-so you must be good at networking internationally. It is highly knowledge- intensive…so you must be good at constantly learning. It is hypercompetitive-so you must be 100-percent reliable Technology-driven: Transformation of time and distance
JF Rischard's High Noon Sharing our Planet: Issues involving the global commons Global warming Biodiversity and ecosystem losses Fisheries depletion Deforestation Water deficits Maritime safety and pollution Sharing our humanity: Issues whose size and urgency requires a global commitment Massive step-up in the fight against poverty Peace-keeping, conflict prevention, combating terrorism Education for all Global infectious diseases Digital divide Natural disaster prevention and mitigation Sharing our rulebook: Issues needing a global regulatory approach Reinventing taxation for the 21st century Biotechnology rules Global financial architecture Illegal drugs Trade, investment and competition rules Intellectual property rights E-commerce rules International labor and migration rules 20 years, 20 issues
“…our difficulties belong to the future, but our means of solving them, and our politics, belong to the past. Yet, never have there been such massive opportunities for improving the human condition. So it’s not a problem of means or lack of solutions: it’s a problem of methodology and mindset.” JF Rischard
…our difficulties belong to the future, but our means of solving them, and our teaching, belong to the past. Yet, never have there been such massive opportunities for improving the human condition. So it’s not a problem of means or lack of solutions: it’s a problem of methodology and mindset. Clayton Lewis
In the classroom: Life Science, Geography, History, Economics, Languages, Maths, IT and more
Teacher resource
Teacher resource
Jimmy’s PP on Biodiversity
Warren and Chris’ ant project 2 Gold medal winners at Expo !
From Look for ‘interactive animations’
Our mission: To help students realise they can make a difference by empowering them to work with their peers internationally to develop solutions for global issues. Based on book: High Noon 20 global problems 20 years to solve them
Global Issues Network Programme Principles Students engage in real issues that require urgent attention – not a simulation Students take knowledge and translate it into positive action – opportunity to improve the human condition Students take ownership of programme, and as a result take leadership Activities are collaborative – not competitive Students build and use networks Gets kids involved
NAIS 20/20 Challenge Gets kids involved
Gets kids involved Teacher resource
Gets kids involved
“Could I ask you all please to Stand Up Against Poverty - (THEY STAND ) We are standing now with millions around the world on this symbolic day, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, to show our commitment to the fight against extreme poverty and inequality. We are standing because we refuse to accept more excuses in a world where 50,000 people die every day as a result of extreme poverty and the gap between rich and poor is getting wider. We are standing because we want our leaders to honour their promises to meet the Millennium Development Goals – and we ask them to exceed these goals. We join in solidarity with people from over 100 countries to say: To the leaders of the wealthy countries – We urge you to keep your promises on poverty – debt relief, more and better aid, trade justice and gender equality. To the leaders of poorer countries – make it your first responsibility to save the lives of your poorest citizens. We ask you to tackle inequality, to be accountable to your people, to govern fairly and justly, to fight corruption and to fulfill human rights. Today, and every day, we will stand up and speak out against poverty. We will continue the fight against poverty and inequality and to hold our leaders to their promises. We are asking not for charity but for justice. We are millions of voices standing in solidarity to say, no more excuses - end poverty now.
YES (Youth Environmental Sustainability conference) Gets kids involved
Teacher resource
Bishops Recycling Project
The Can Crusher Idea Continuous system Putting the idea into action Introducing it into the school
Worm Farm Idea Education Setting up the farms Maintaining and expanding
Worm Tea Worm Farm Tap for Worm Tea Vegetables, soil, dried leaves, newspaper and plant matter
Sustainability at Bishops Reducing Energy Usage
Next Wave Summit A summit was held earlier this term with regard to the future of Bishops In the sustainability summit we came up with a vision and action plan The action plan and vision came mainly from what was proposed in our presentation
Reducing Electricity Usage through Education and Awareness Workshops for Boys and staff (Both Academic and non-Academic) Integration of sustainable living into all areas of the school syllabus A GIN group which has brought about the change at Bishops and is deciding what needs to be done
Reducing Electricity Usage through Action Plans Geysers all have geyser blankets All light bulbs are being changed to fluorescent Kitchens have centralized from four separate kitchens to one Solar heating for the pools
Reducing Electricity: What we want to do Geysers Timers Solar Solar panels Habitation sensors Integration of Green policy (i.e. Solar Laptop chargers Vampire electricity
Reducing our Carbon Footprint Webpage to offset carbon footprint Reduced paper usage due to use of online syllabus and electronic work We hope to institute a car pooling system for parents using a GPS system to map routes
Gin group: water, waste and electricity audit. Save Excel sheets in common drive
“I do not want to talk about what you understand about this world. I want to know what you will do about it. I do not want to know what you hope. I want to know what you will work for. I do not want your sympathy for the needs of humanity. I want your muscle.” — Robert Fulghum I am only one person and cannot do everything But just because I cannot do everything, does not mean that I will refuse to do what I can. Helen Keller
Videos Environment in 10 seconds Melting Kick the habit