Need to use the bathroom? Ask a parent volunteer Need handouts from last week? Ask a parent volunteer Need to borrow a pen? Loan us a shoe and we will loan you a pen! Need to talk with a friend? Before/after class, but not during
It’s time for the annual… Bible Reading Challenge! Challenge: Read through the entire Bible in a year using the Discipleship Journal Reading Plan Rewards: Monthly prizes and a celebration party in January 2012 for all who finish by the end of the year!
REVI EW Conflict Is An Opportunit y REVI EW Conflict Is An Opportunit y
Pointles s Put- Downs Featuring Connie and Nikki Illustrations by Russ Flint. From The Young Peacemaker ©Corlette Sande. Used by permission. See for stories and information about biblical peacemaking.
Memory Verse “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
Step 1: Admit What I Did Wrong Don’t blame others Take responsibility for my own sinful choices
Step 2: Apologize For My Actions Godly sorrow Unilateral disarmame nt When not to apologize
Step 3: Accept My Consequences Don’t argue or pout Receive my Father’s loving correction Restitution
Step 4: Ask For Forgiveness From God From the person who has been hurt by my sin
Step 5: Alter My Future Choices Make a plan to respond differently Share my plan with others Ask God for help
Practice Makes Perfect (Girls) A new girl named Connie just moved into your neighborhood. Your friend, Sandra, has invited her to do lots of fun things instead of asking you, and you are beginning to feel jealous and left out. You begin to spread false rumors about Connie, hoping to win Sandra back, but she only gets mad at you and says she doesn’t want to be your friend any more. STEP 1:ADMIT“I admit I was wrong when I…” STEP 2:APOLOGIZE “I am sorry for…” STEP 3:ACCEPT “I understand why…” STEP 4:ASK “Will you please forgive me?” STEP 5:ALTER “With God’s help, next time I will…”
Practice Makes Perfect (Boys) Your brother left some money on his dresser. He had been saving his allowance for six months to buy a new computer game. When you went into his room to return a book he had loaned you, you saw the money. You thought about the pair of roller blades you want, but don’t have money for. You took your brother’s money, rode your bike to the store, and bought the blades. STEP 1:ADMIT“I admit I was wrong when I…” STEP 2:APOLOGIZE “I am sorry for…” STEP 3:ACCEPT “I understand why…” STEP 4:ASK “Will you please forgive me?” STEP 5:ALTER “With God’s help, next time I will…”