Mrs. B.Smith’s “Mustastic” Class Another great week!!! 1. We will have two Georgia Southern students continuing with us this week. They will be with us until Thanksgiving. We will also have some help during guided reading groups from Mrs. Paula Clifton. I am excited for all of the help!!! It is important that you read with your child each night 2. Please continue to study multiplication facts with your child. Unit 2 in Math is all multiplication and division. Your child will struggle if they do not know their facts. 3. Progress Reports can be found on Parent Portal today. Please remember that progress reports and report cards will be on Parent Portal and not printed out. Also, you will only see a Science grade, not Social Studies at progress report time since Science was taught for the first 4 ½ weeks. 4. This weeks math homework, multiplication comparisons, will be a little tricky. Please help your child. Try your best with it and we will go over it in class all week 5. Please study with your child when they have a test. It makes a big difference!!! Snap Shot of the Week: September 8th Reading & Writing The students will be reading an A-Z close reading pack. The theme centers around how Native Americans used the environment they lived in to survive. Math Unit 2 – Multiplication and Division This week we will focus on multiplication comparisons and multiplying two digits by one digit. Please practice multiplication facts at home. Most of our tasks in fourth grade require students to have mastered all facts. ELA The students will demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. This week the students will focus on compound sentences. Science: This week we will begin our Native American Unit. This unit will cover 6 different Native American groups and will be taught for the remainder of the 4 and ½ weeks. Homework: Tests: Vocabulary Test: Friday 12th Cold Read: Friday 12th Dates to Remember: Monday Read and Practice multiplication flash cards Math: Homework Packet Day 1 Choiceboard reminder Tuesday Read and Practice multiplication flash cards Math: Homework Packet Day 2 Choiceboard reminder Wednesday Read and Practice multiplication flash cards Math: Homework Packet Day 3 Choiceboard reminder Thursday Read and Practice multiplication flash cards Math: Homework Packet Day 4 Choiceboard due tomorrow Friday: No Homework Optional: Read books, review flashcards Sept. 8 th : Progress Reports Sept. 18 th : Fall pictures: Dress Down Day Oct. 8 th : Last Day of nine weeks.
Specials Schedule: Monday – Music Tuesday- Library Wednesday – Gym Thursday – Computers Friday – Art You may send your child in with a snack each day. Please make sure it is a healthy choice. It is very important that your child does his/her homework every night. This will help them when it is time to take a test. If they do not do their homework at night, they will have to do it in study hall which is during recess. Parents, please remember to send a note with your child any time there is a transportation change. If your child is a car rider in the morning, they must be at breakfast by 7:55 a.m. in order to eat breakfast at school. Red folders will go home each Monday. Test folders will go home to be signed every Wednesday. Please make sure to check each. BELL TIMES Students must be in the building by 8:10 or they are counted as tardy. The dismissal time is 3:10. I know I will make mistakes. Like this eraser, I can easily fix them. I pledge, not matter what, to always try again!!! Mrs. Smith’s class pledge Have your child read each night. AR points have been assigned and we will go to the library on Tuesdays!!!!