Welcome to North Wilkes High School chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Sign in the attendance sheet on a clip board. Sept. 14, 2012
Keep the attendance clipboards moving around so EVERYONE CAN SIGN IT.
PRESIDENT : Please stand. (tap, tap) We are the members of Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. Our mission is to promote personal; growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences Education.
OFFICERS : Focusing on the multiple roles of family members, wage earner and community leaders, members develop skills for life through character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge and career preparation.
MEMBERS : As we work toward the accomplishment of our goals, we learn cooperation, take responsibility, develop leadership and give service.
PRESIDENT: FCCLA members we are challenged to accept the responsibility of making decisions the affect our lives today and the world tomorrow. Let us repeat our creed.
MEMBERS : We are the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope. For we have the clear consciousness of seeking, Old and precious values.
For we are the builders of homes, Homes for America’s future, Homes where truth and love and security and faith, Will be realities, not dreams.
We are the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope.
PRESIDENT : This meeting of the North Wilkes Chapter of Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America is now in session. You may be seated.
Business Session
Officers will be voted on using a ????. Voting will be open
If you have paid the $15 membership dues …. May submit tee shirt suggestions and color ideas / combinations by Wed. Oct. 15. Voting will be ……..
October Project…. Make Halloween treat bags to be given to a group of children. Be bringing bags of candy in to Mrs. Stevens or Mrs. Deal to be stored. We will assemble the bags on Tue. Oct :30 – 4:15. We will get a walkie to listen for buses.
Candy Thank Yous …. Annie Billings. Oliva Jarvis, Lindsey Absher, Ashton Byrd, Sabrina Royal, Raymond Sammons, Xena Shepherd, Lindsey Reed ….
November Project…. FCCLA National Peer Education Program We will have a planning meeting to discuss ideas and ways to promote this concept
What is the “Families First” program? The FCCLA Families First national peer education program through which youth gain a better understanding of how families work and learn skills to become strong family members. Its goals are to: help youth become strong family members and leaders for today and tomorrow and strengthen the family as the basic unit of society.
What is a family? Bulletin board Interview older family member Post family eating dinner together
The FCCA blood drive is Friday, March 13. (near St. Patrick’s day) The Beta drive is soon - Monday, October 27. (near Halloween) If you are a senior, be sure to give in October so you can be on your way to donating three times during your senior year to earn your Red Cord for graduation.
Keep the attendance clipboards moving around so EVERYONE CAN SIGN IT.
PRESIDENT : Please stand. This meeting of the North Wilkes High School Chapter of Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America is now in session. (tap)