Chapter 1 Section 5 Safety In Science
The Importance of Safety Rules 1. Safety – the state of being free of danger or injury. 2. Following directions is key! 3. Following directions can prevent accidents and injury.
Safety Symbols 1. A symbol represents a specific meaning. 2. There are 9 safety symbols we will need to recognize. 3. These symbols range from tools and eye protection, to handling animals.
Wear safety goggles when working with chemicals, flames, or heating devices. If a chemical gets in your eye, flush in water for 15 minutes and notify the teacher. Safety Symbols Eye Protection Sharp Objects When using knifes or other sharp objects always walk with the points facing down. Cut away from fingers and body. Electrical Safety Do not place a cord where someone can trip over it. Never use electricity around water. Unplug all equipment before leaving the room.
Safety Symbols Animal Safety Only handle living organisms with teacher permission. Always treat living organisms humanely. Wash your hands after handling animals. Heating Safety Tie back hair and loose clothes when working with open flames. Never look into a container as you are heating it. Heated metal and glass looks cool, use tongs or gloves before handling. Never leave a heat source unattended.
Safety Symbols Chemical Safety Read all labels twice before removing a chemical from the container. Never touch, taste, or smell a chemical unless instructed by the teacher. Transfer chemicals carefully! Hand Safety If a chemical spills on your skin, notify the teacher. Carry glassware carefully. Plant Safety Do not eat any plants in lab. Wash your hands after handling plants.
Safety Symbols ► Clothing Long pants should be worn on lab days. No loose clothing that might get in the way. Long hair pulled back.
Safety Equipment ► Fire Blanket – Located in back of classroom in the red container Fire Extinguisher – Located in outside classroom door and in the computer lab To operate the fire extinguisher remember P-A-S-S P- Pull the Pin A-Aim the hose at the base of the fire from 5-6 feet away. S-Squeeze the handle. S-Sweep the hose back and forth across the fire. REMEMBER: Stop, Drop, & RollOn Fire?
Activity: Safety Symbol Puzzle 1. Label and illustrate one of the nine safety symbols in each of the puzzle pieces. 2. For the tenth puzzle piece, create your own safety symbol that you think would be important for use in a lab. 3. When finished, cut out the whole puzzle (together) and glue onto page 20.
1. Luck runs out but safety is good for life. ~Author Unknown 2. There is no safety in numbers, or in anything else. ~James Thurber 3. The door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense. ~Author Unknown 4. Know safety, no injury. No safety, know injury. ~Author Unknown 5. Better a thousand times careful than once dead. ~Proverb
Activity: Safety Slacker 1. Cut out the picture. 2. Glue onto the top of page Beneath the slacker, list everything you see that is unsafe and tie the list back to the picture. 4. Add some color to the picture.
Activity: Safety Organizer (28) ► ► Read over the safety contract and pick out 12 key points of information. ► ► Design/find a graphic organizer and place those 12 points of information into it. You can find one on Google or create your own. ► ► Your 12 points of information should be a combination of text and graphics. ► ► Use at least 4 different colors.
Proper Accident Procedures 1. Remain calm, and assess the situation. 2. Secure the area around the accident. 3. Tell your teacher, or call for help. 4. Assist your teacher with cleaning up or giving aid.
Proper First-Aid Procedures 1. Minor heat-related burn: Hold affected area under cold, running water for at least 15 minutes. 2. Small cuts: Clean the area, cover with a clean cloth or gauze pad, and apply pressure. 3. Chemicals on skin: Rinse area with running water. 4. Chemical in eye: Rinse eye with running water or in an eye wash.
Activity: First Aid Target 1. Refer to the 4 First Aid procedures in your notes. 2. Place the four injuries in the larger circle: label the injuries and create a graphic for each one. 3. Cut out the target and glue into the center of page On the outside of the circle, write the procedure for each injury. 5. Include at least 4 colors