Backgrounds for HAPPEx Ryan Snyder April 7, 2006
Contributions to Background 1. Quasielastic fraction 2. Aluminum end caps of target cells 3. Rescattering 4. Poletip -- Bob Michaels
Sliding Momentum Cut Compare E_meas to E_calc: E_calc = energy of elastically scattered electron E_meas = P_o + dp (in MeV) Numbers don’t compare directly due to precision of spectrometer angles and calibration of spectrometer Thus, a Delta offset is used to move the difference between calculated and measured energies to zero So, a cut is applied on (P_o + dp + Delta) - E_calc < -15 MeV
Run # LDelta RDelta Beam Current(uA)
With -15 MeV cut, averages work out to be Left Arm = % Right Arm = 0.401% Both = % % quasielastic = / % A_qe_He = -2ppm (+/- 50%) Overall correction ~ 11 ppb
Aluminum Background - He Integrating mode: He production run: L-arm = det1/bcm1 = R-arm = det1/bcm1 = Al dummy target run: L-arm = R-arm = Using “xt” factor of 0.278, get background fractions L-arm = 1.74% R-arm = 1.83% Bkgrnd_Al = 1.8 +/- 0.18% Total Correction = 39 ppb
Aluminum Background - H “xt” factor of Integrating Mode: Det1 = 0.64% Det2 = 0.72% Det3 = 0.60% Det4 = 0.79% Total = 0.7% Front window is thicker than back window so this will be a bit higher, but no more than 50%
Rescattering From positive dp scan, get relative rates From negative dp scan, get fraction relative to elastic peak Then, from each section of inelastic spectrum, do (Fraction relative to elastic) x (Relative rate) = Rescattering percentage Add each section up to calculate total rescattering fraction
Rescatter fraction = = 0.92%
Rescat_He = / % A_qe_rescat = -2 +/- 3 ppm Total Correction = 13 ppb
Rescatter = ~0.1% A_Delta = 10 +/- 5 ppm