Dr. J. Allyn Smith Office: SSC B-329Phone: Hours: MWF ; T & by Appt. (Do not use D2L Website: Class Meeting Time: TR B-310
Announcements Next week: Dark Night Observing on Tues. 9/8 & Thur. 9/10 Physics & Astronomy Department picnic Friday (8/28) in “the woods” by the Marks Building at 4:00pm Plan to re-start the “Astro-group” meetings. When is good for everyone? Right now I’m looking at 3-4pm on Fridays, but can move it if needed.
Syllabus Description & Plans Grading Exams Projects Book – Who needs one yet?Who needs one yet? Reference Books
Homework will be assigned occasionally via handouts throughout the semester. You should actually DO the HW (as opposed to looking up the answers on-line). There will be some writing involved in the class; Mostly journal-style articles (and reports). Some will be individual, some in groups.
Photometry Photometry is a technique of astronomy concerned with measuring the flux, or intensity of an astronomical object's electromagnetic radiation. [1] When photometry is performed over broad wavelength bands of radiation, where not only the amount of radiation but also its spectral distribution is measured, the term spectrophotometry is used.astronomy measuringfluxastronomical object electromagnetic radiation [1]wavelengthradiationspectrophotometry The word is composed of the Greek affixes photo- ("light") and -metry ("measure").Greekphoto--metry Imaging is not the same as photometry, though the same instrumentation may be used.
Photometry - Steps Differential photometry Relative photometry Absolute photometry Calibrations
Photometry - Filters Wide-Band vs. Narrow-band Specialized sets Filter-defined vs. Instrument-defined
Photometry - Filters Wide-Band vs. Narrow-band Specialized sets Filter-defined vs. Instrument-defined
At this time, I don’t plan on requiring you to do image processing (though that might be a goal). I also am not (at this time) going to require data collection – until we have the telescope installed and camera working on it. Some projects might be “telescope-centric” Installation and polar alignment Auto-guider installation and set-up Camera and filter wheel installation and test Flat-field system build, install, test. Web-cam (stream) install and test (Sept. 27) Many can be presented at TAS/SESAPS mting
Open cluster work. Color-magnitude diagrams, proper-motion data (external), existing data and data base mining. Exo-planets: Light-curve (multiple transits); look at timing, shape of curve, detection … Variable star (or asteroid) light-curves. Transformation equations generation APSU 0.5m to the Std system UBVRI and ugriz
Camera characterization (will rqr S/W install) DC –vs.- Temperature Stabilization time requirement (vs Temp) Shutter timing map –vs- mag. Errors Linearity (vs. Temp?) & saturation levels Transformation equations generation rqrs observing and reductions APSU 0.5m to the Std system UBVRI and ugriz
Dolidze-35: A possible open cluster Have ugriz and some BVR data in hand Some requires reduction Will collect more in Oct. at KPNO Can monitor with 0.5m PM data exists for ~28 probable members ID them for data extraction DB search for JHK data (2MASS) Background reading and search Look for variables ID any RG stars for spectroscopy
If you are observing (or lab work) you need to keep a logbook of your observations/findings. Every log entry should include Date and time of observation Instrument used (including focal length or f/ratio) Magnification Description of the object observed Data … the usual stuff.
ArXiv server: arxiv.org (Cornell); xxx.lanl.gov (LANL) ADS – Astrophysics Data System ADS SIMBAD WEBDA – open clusters WEBDA Harris or Padova Globular Cluster databases HarrisPadova NED – NASA Extra-galactic Data Base NED MAST Topcat Minor Planets 2MASS SDSS Overleaf.com