Instructions To use this template: –for each slide write the correct answer on the orange bar first –choose which option (A,B,C or D) and make sure you write the letter on the orange bar in place of the question mark –Now drag the orange bar on top of the correct option so it sits exactly over the top - now when you click through the onscreen animation, the correct answer will appear to be illuminated –View the next slide to see how it should look
$1,000,000 Example of how it looks when complete, click on-screen show to view the animations B - correct answer A - answer C - answer D - answer B - correct answer
Who wants to be a Millionaire? Hosted by Mr. Haldeman
The Prizes 1 - $ $ $ $1, $2, $4, $8, $16, $32, $64, $125, $250, $500, $1,000,000 or no test tomorrow!
Lifelines “Phone a friend” Poll the audience Look in your notes
$100 This architect was appointed by George Washington to design the nation’s new capital of Washington, D.C. B – Eli Whitney A – Oliver Evans C – Charles L’Enfant D – John Fitch C – Charles L’Enfant
$200 Which of the following was NOT a technological innovation of the late 18 th Century? B – The John Bull locomotive A – Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin C – Samuel Slater’s Rhode Island System D – Oliver Evans’ Steam Engine B – The John Bull locomotive
$500 In 1792 this western territory became the 14 th state to join the union. B - Tennessee A - Kentucky C - Ohio D - Michigan A - Kentucky
$1,000 Due to the remote, and difficult lifestyle, this became the most important institution on the western frontier B - schools A - government C – the military D - religion
$2,000 Anthony Wayne’s victory in this battle, and the subsequent Treaty of Greenville, opened up the Northwest for settlement. B – Wounded Knee A – Horseshoe Bend C – Fallen Timbers D - Tippecanoe C – Fallen Timbers
$4,000 Which of the following was NOT true of Spanish policy in the 1790’s? B – The Mississippi was opened A – Free land was offered in Florida C – Missions were established in California D – The Comanches and Apaches were defeated D – Comanches and Apaches defeated
$8,000 Which proposal by Alexander Hamilton was NOT enacted by Congress? B – A National Bank A – Federal assumption of state debt C – A protective tariff D – A revenue tariff C – A protective tariff
$16,000 This 1790 agreement between Britain and Spain opened the Pacific Northwest for settlers from both nations. B – The Treaty of Seattle A – The Adams-Onis Treaty C – The Nootka Convention D – The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo C – The Nootka Convention
$32,000 This French minister upset the Washington administration by hiring American ships and crews to wage war against British merchant vessels. B - Montesquieu A - Talleyrand C – Jean Baptist Colbert D – Edmond Genet
$64,000 Which was NOT a final provision of the Jay Treaty? B – payment for ships confiscated in Caribbean A – British troops would leave the Northwest C – A British promise to end impressment D – Opening of some British West Indian ports C – promise to end impressment
$125,000 The French demand for a bribe from American diplomats in order to negotiate with French Officials over the seizure of U.S. ships was called the: B – Corrupt Bargain A – OMG Affront C – XYZ Affair D – Franco-American Affair C – XYZ Affair
$250,000 These laws increased the residency requirement for citizenship from 5 to 14 years, and gave the president power to detain and/or deport citizens of enemy nations in times of war. B – Sedition Acts A – Alien Acts C – Deportation Acts D – Libel Acts A – Alien Acts
$500,000 The Adams Administration’s heavy-handed response to this tax “revolt” in Bucks County, PA contributed to the growing support for the Republican Party B – The Aurora Revolt A – The Whiskey Rebellion C – The Regulators Redux D – The Fries Rebellion
$1,000,000 John Adams’ decision to negotiate this agreement with France ended the hostilities of the Quasi War, but aided Thomas Jefferson’s chances in the election of 1800 B – The Convention of 1800 A – The 1800 Treaty of Amity C – The Directorate of 1800 D – The Treaty of Paris (1800) B – The Convention of 1800