AP Biology Dr. Cao August 25 th, 2014
Seating Chart AP Biology Find your name & corresponding number Find the appropriate seat with that number 1.Akagha, Destiny 2. Bennett, Nahshon 3. Brown, Tamia 4. Chisolm, Raleifoot 5. Davenport, Benjamin 6. Dula, Desiree 7. Fisher, Zha’Mariah 8. Harper, Allanna 9. Hernandez, Jesus 10. Hudson, Queen 11. Janneh, Kadeeja 12. Kaba, Rokiatou 13. Kidane, Kidus 14. Koncsol, Alexandria 15. Lee, Daija 16. Maddox, Megan 17. Martin, Za’Kerea 18. McDaniel, Elizabeth 19. Nakhle, Royce 20. Nguyen, Jennifer 21. Pantaleon, Corey 22. Park, Sung-Ju 23. Parker, Naiya 24. Renteria, Cristina 25. Roberson, Anthony 26. Ruiz, Daniella 27. Sansbury, Jonathan 28. Vang, Angely 29. Wade, Hastings 30. Williams, Simone 31. Wilson, Xavier 32. Wylie, Sequoea 33. Yang, Sheng
About Dr. Cao Bachelors of Science in Biology at University of North Carolina-Charlotte (UNCC) Conducted scientific research on honey bee communication behavior
About Dr. Cao Ph.D. in Entomology from University of Arizona. Minored in Ecology and Evolutionary biology Conducted scientific research on bumble bee physiology and behavior Was a National Science Foundation Fellow Has published scientific articles
About Dr. Cao Loves to run
About Dr. Cao Has three dogs
About Dr. Cao Favorite comedian is Tina Fey Used to be a personal trainer and group fitness instructor Used to write for the school paper at UNCC Cannot swim
An idea of what scores are accepted for college credit…
What is the AP exam like? 3 hours long 1.5 hours multiple choice 63 multiple choice 6 grid-in questions 1.5 hours writing 8 questions, 2 of which are long
Our Big Goals To score 85% or higher on all assessments!!! To score a 4 or higher on the AP Biology exam It’s all possible! You must study, pay attention in class, and ask Dr. Cao for help when you need it!
Course Syllabus Overview Edit for late work: If you are absent on the day of a formal assessment or when a formal assignment/project is due, you must provide documentation for an excused absence and the assignment must be handed in within five school days upon your return. If you have an unexcused absence on the due date of a formal assessment/assignment, you have one day to make it up or hand it in, for a maximum grade of 70%. If you are in class but do not hand in an informal assignment on that due date, you will have one day to hand it in and will also receive a grade deduction.
Classroom Conduct Show respect for your school, teacher, classmates, and yourself at all times. Disrespect and misconduct will not be tolerated. Come to class prepared, on time, and ready to learn. This means come ready to take your warm-up quiz, and have your necessary materials (e.g. binder and pens) each day. Follow directions the first time. Adhere to all school and classroom policies and procedures. Always participate in class and be ready to provide answers.
RRHS Respect Responsibility Honor Service
Lab Safety
Teacher/student/parent teacher contract Lab safety contract Signed and turned in by tomorrow, Tuesday August 26
Classroom Procedures To be added on: Cell Phone Policy- No cell phones in class. They must remain in your bag.
Class Materials DUE ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 TH 1.5 or 2” three-ring binder Lab notebook with graphing paper Blue or black ink pens
Biology What is it?
Biology Biology is the scientific study of life
Biology Biology is the scientific study of life Biologists ask questions such as How does a single cell develop into an organism? How does the human mind work? How do living things interact in communities?
Figure 1.3 Order Evolutionary adaptation Response to the environment Reproduction Growth and development Energy processing Regulation
Scientific Method
Deduction vs. Induction Induction (bottom-up): using observations to form conclusions Deduction (top-down): using a general conclusion to form specific conclusions
Change in allele frequencies over time i.e. changes in populations over time
Evolution Gray wolf Your dog
Who is Charles Darwin? Published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859 Two main points: Species showed evidence of “descent with modification” from common ancestors Natural selection is the mechanism behind “descent with modification” Darwin’s theory explained the duality of unity and diversity
Figure 1.21
Evolution by Natural Selection Individuals with inherited traits that are best adapted to the local environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than those less adapted to the environment
Katydid insect- leaf mimicry
Observation & Question Non-venomousVenomous
Videos that will help Deduction vs. induction Evolution and natural selection
Homework Quiz on Friday on all of this week’s materials Optional: watch the two videos tonight. Mandatory: Have teacher/parent/student and lab safety contracts signed by Tuesday, August 26 th, tomorrow! Have class materials by Tuesday, September 2 1.5”-2” three-ring binder Lab notebook with graphing paper Blue or black pens