Hi, I’m Paul the Pig. Good students get better jobs, so do whatever the teacher says. DO NOW – Claim/Thesis Statement Review 1.What does S.O.D.S. stand for? 2.What part of an argumentative essay needs to have S.O.D.S.?
Learning Objective I will be able to compose an argument with 3 reasons, an opposing argument & find at least 2 reliable sources of evidence to support my argument.
Common Core Standards for Writing Arguments: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning & relevant and sufficient evidence.
COLLABORATIVE STATION: Writing Arguments PEARSON – UNIT 5 - LESSON 26 Task 1: Analyze Any Editorial Online or on Argumentative Essay on Falstad’s Ouchi Page- 15 – 20 min – Complete an Argument Analyzer for your Argumentative Essay SUMMATIVE TASK 1: Task 2: 15 min – Argument Analyzer – Complete an Argument Analyzer for your Argumentative Essay – submit to Falstad for a grade. SUMMATIVE TASK 2: Task 5: Complete the Research Guide for your Essay - Search online for evidence that proves your claim & complete a Research Guide. Remember, your claim must be based on F.A.A.T.: Based on Fact Can be Proven Can be researched online Based on a Policy or Solution Based on Value (better than, more important) Based on Cause & Effect Finished? Start Writing your rough draft using your Argument Analyzer & the Research Guide as outlines & compose paragraphs using the CEL Analyzer. WRITE NOW! CEL Paragraphs – Use the CEL Analyzer to create a detailed outline for every paragraph in your essay. INDEPENDENT STATION FINISHED??? If you are finished with all Stations begin working independently on: NO RED INK.COM 1.Go to: Enter the class code 3.Complete any activity of your choice. VOCABULARY.COM 1.Go to: Click PRACTICE 3.Practice the words for 15 to 20 minutes 4.Challenge yourself with the spelling bee! ACHIEVE 1.Read any article from MY LESSONS 2.Complete all activities 3.Show Falstad your score DIRECT STATION CLOSE READING: The Research Guide: We go over the Research Guide so that you can be successful on your Argumentative Essay. Why the CEL? This organizer is designed to help you prepare for: 1)Final Argument ative Essay for this Unit, 2)The Final Bench- mark, & 3)Writing in 10 th, 11 th & 12 th grade. 4)The Smarter Balance Test (11 th grade) 5)College writing. 6)Persuasive speech in your career.
Explain something that you learned today. Use 1 to 3 complete sentences. Be specific & tell me What you learned. Describe something that You didn’t understand Or that you have a Question About, Or that you want to Know More about Describe something That stopped your Learning today. What Would help you understand Or learn the concept? Be specific so I know what Will help you understand.