Rebecca Macareno Class of 2014
About Me Activities involved in at school ASB AVID French Honors Cheer Extracurricular Activities UCLA’s Central Valley Project Tutoring Coaching volleyball and cheer teams Things I love Friends and family
Preview Page My Quote Visual Rep Research Paper Journals Job Shadow Future Goals Reflection
My Quote “Life is like a mirror, smile at it and it smiles back at you.” -Peace Pilgrim
Visual Representation One side shows a tree that has grown to be healthy because of all the love and support it receives The other side shows a weak tree that is falling apart because it sank into negativity
Research Paper The importance of pursuing higher education Everyone should pursue their dreams Too many people throw away their dreams As the world evolves so should the people
Job Shadow – Teacher Job Shadow: Ms. Robles from Kennedy Elementary School I evaluated children’s reading skills Helped children problem solve math problems What skills are required? Patience Passion What did I gain from the experience? I enjoy teaching and helping others I am patient with children
Journals June 2013 – April 2014 My senior life from day one College applications and scholarships Homecoming, rallies, etc Orange blossom
My Future Goals Attend Cal State Long Beach Major in English and receive my masters Teach AP English in high school Create an outreach program for children
Reflection Lindsay has prepared me for my future I would not change anything I am grateful for my life I am ready to begin a new chapter in my life
Thank you panelists!