2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop “You never cross the same river twice…”
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop Assumptions Everyone is a learner, teacher, & leader Smarter educators help all students become smarter All of us are smarter than any one of us People learn better in culturally responsive environments Improving education for all is possible, but will take time, patience, and new learning And…
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop There is no silver bullet!
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop Alaska Educational Innovations Network
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop The Alaska Educational Innovations Network: Is focused on learning & learners –Defines success beyond AYP, using multiple sources of information Promotes substantive conversation –Taps multiple voices for focused dialog about student success Is recognized for research-based practice –Develops capacity for partners to use research & data in ongoing data teams. Ensures sustainability –Committed to ongoing cycle of inquiry
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop A Vision of Success
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop Learning Outcomes: Student Success--Head, Hands, Heart
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop Student Success Outcomes Each and every student will frame his/her own questions for inquiry/investigation and then access, gather, analyze information from multiple sources (e.g. book, internet, people) to develop answers to the questions as well as pose new questions.
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop Student Success Outcomes Each and every student will define and inter-relate personal values, needs, and wants in order to identify goals, develop plans, and implement the plans to meet the goals.
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop Student Success Outcomes Each and every student will make well-informed decisions by analyzing evidence, discerning fact from opinion, asking critical questions, and thinking creatively about issues.
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop Student Success Outcomes Each and every student will know him/herself, personal frames of reference, areas of strength, and areas for growth, and be secure within his/her world and unique heritage.
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop AEIN Strategies Schools develop as learning communities Networks strengthen shared knowledge & wisdom Beginning teachers benefit from partner expertise Partnership activities can expand the ranks of the highly qualified Improvement relies on critical use of data We’re all in this together
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop Keys to Professional Learning Context –Schools are characterized by effective leadership, collegial professional community, & adequate resources Process –Strategies focus on improvement of learning Content –Knowledge and skills emphasize equity & quality teaching
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop Many Strands or One Strong Rope? More work or THE work? Must be woven together
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop Workshop Goals Develop a learning community among partners Analyze the data team’s effectiveness Deepen strategies for using data Plan next steps
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop AEIN Shared Commitments: Enhance the learning outcomes for each and every student –Building Community –Sharing Wisdom –Nourishing Learning
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop Why do we care about building learning community? “Organizational capacity is enhanced when schools are shaped into professional communities: –Clear, shared purpose –Collaborative activity pursues purpose –Collective responsibility for student learning Successful School Restructuring, Fred Newmann & Gary Wehlage
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop 6 X 6 Protocol Equal rows, participants face each other 6 questions Pose question to partner, note response After 2 minutes/interview, one row shifts to the left When each has asked question 6 times, all who have posed same question convene Tally, categorize responses Truths, trends, outliers Report to larger group
2/2007AEIN Data Team Workshop Inquiry Notebook How does this inform my work as a data team member? What new questions, puzzles, ideas, concerns, do I have?