Solve these word puzzles Bridesec Plainex Feedin And what do they mean? Write the correct definition to each: The examiner will be expecting you to state the meaning of that term in a geographical context and give an example. This is a very common command word and requires you to give the main characteristics of something. You should write an accurate account of what you see. You are trying to represent in words the picture to the examiner. It is asking you to give reasons as to why something occurs. It is testing your ability to understand how something happens. For example, the farmer keeps sheep on the hillside because of the infertile soil and cooler climate.
Exam technique Today we will... Know what the main command words mean in exam papers Practise exam-type questions
Some handy hints Describe- say what you are looking at. If it is a graph, quote one of the numbers in the graph. For example, ‘The graph shows that 2 out of 20 people walk to work’ Give as much detail as possible.
Describing You wouldn’t just say this is a picture of the countryside. What else does the picture show? When you have a graph or photo, you should pick out all the things you can you see – the DETAIL! JC – The Haywain 1821
Some handy hints Explain – say why something is like it is. For example, ‘The graph shows that 18 out of 20 people drive to work because in Britain which is an MEDC, people can afford a car, so they use it to travel in. People have higher-paying jobs so can afford to buy cars and run them’. Use the phrase ‘this is because’ – you are automatically explaining!
Explaining Turn to the person nearest you and tell them what you like doing in your free time (sport, meeting friends?). Now say WHY you like doing those activities in as much detail as possible. Use the word ‘because’. You are explaining!
Some handy hints Define – say what the geographical term means, and give an example For example, ‘A non-renewable energy, once used, cannot be used again. An example is coal’. Always give an example, especially if the question is worth 2 marks!
Defining This is like giving a dictionary definition Try and define these words and GIVE AN EXAMPLE Animal Teacher Musical instrument
Define/Explain/Describe? ‘A pull factor is something that attracts people to a location. For example, people might go there to get a better job’ Define
Define/Explain/Describe? The graph shows the 4 different types of employment sector. Over time, the primary sector has decreased, whilst the tertiary and quaternary sectors have increased. Describe
Define/Explain/Describe? ‘A primary industry is one which extracts raw materials from the land or sea. An example is a fisherman’. Define
Define/Explain/Describe? ‘People move from the countryside in China to the cities because they are attracted to better job opportunities. With a better job, more money can be earned ensuring a better quality of life as they will be able to afford basic needs and luxuries too’. Explain
Use pg ‘Living Spaces’ 1.Explain why people in Scotland like living there (2 marks). 2.Describe 2 factors that affect how we view different places (2 marks). 3.Give 3 reasons why people may not like living in the city (3 marks). 4.Explain why someone living in rural China would want to move to a city in China (2 marks).
Use pg ‘Living Spaces’ 5. Describe what an expatriate community is (2 marks) 6. Explain the pressures that can result from the demand for new housing in rural areas (pg174) (4 marks) 7. Explain the ways in which Singapore has tried to make the city more sustainable (6 marks)
Use pg ‘Making a living’ 1.Describe the different types of employment sector (4 marks) 2.Explain why the employment structure changes over time (2 marks) 3.Describe the Clark Fisher Model (pg184) (3 marks) 4.Describe and explain the difference between the formal and informal sectors of employment (4 marks)
Use pg ‘Making a living’ 5. Describe the problems faced in Mexico by rapid growth (3 marks) 6. Explain what a telecommuter is (2 marks)
Without looking at your notes Write down what the question is asking you to do if you are asked to: Describe – ‘If I am asked to describe something I should...’ Explain – ‘If I am asked to explain something I should...’ Define – ‘If I am asked to define something I should...’