3D stereo camera Stereo line scan camera 3D data and color image simultaneously 3D-PIXA
Features CCD: tri-linear color line scan sensor 10 µm pixel size Resolutions: 22 kHz 36 kHz 66 kHz 100 kHz 3 x 170 MByte/s (=510 MByte/s) CameraLink Medium PIXA family basic features 3
Overview Stereoscopic approach Calibrated stereo line scan camera Height in real time with GPU Features RGB images and height map Modular system concept for custom specific solutions Quality and performance based on allPIXA Linear movement Surface of object Line-scan cameraHeight + image
Customer benefit 1/2 Highest resolutions (max 7k per line) Large formats High lateral resolutions Height resolution up to 10x better than lateral resolution Line-scan approach Ideal for fast moving objects Ideal for 100% inspection 5
Benefit 2/2 High speeds (up to lines/s) Highly configurable Via lens system Resolution from 10 µm to 700 µm lens defines the resolution Output Color image (rectified) Height map (16 Bit image) Point cloud 6
Functional principle Stereo correspondence Find corresponding points in both images using correlation (texture based) Result from correlation is disparity map Height is calculated from disparity map using calibration data Correlation is performed on GPU 7
Stereo approach: Principle Two images from the same scene Both cameras takes the same scene two different viewing angles One point on the surface P is projected in both images (P l und P r ) Calculation of height based on triangulation Standard stereo approach Parallel cameras and sensors Object surface P PlPl b Z c Left CameraRight camera PrPr Z: distance p: Parallax p = xl - xr b: Basis of stereo system c: Image distance
Stereo approach: Principle P PlPl b c Object surface PrPr xlxl xrxr p Parallax Z Z: Distance b: Basis of stereo system c: Image distance p: Parallax p = xl - xr Parallaxe p different viewing angles results in parallax 9
Corresponding points Stereo image acquisition: two images Finding corresponding points Pattern matching Left image: take ROI around P l as pattern Search for best match of pattern in the right image Position with best match is resulting correspondence Stereo approach: Correspondence 10
Stereo approach: Correspondence Left image right image 11 Correlation Position of the ROI
EmbossingSoldering on a normal Wood board on package electronic board with relief structure Samples
3D visualized with 10 µm optical resolution 1 µm height resolution Samples: Euro coin
Height map in pseudo color 10 µm optical resolution 1 µm height resolution
Samples: banknote in-taglio print 10 µm optical resolution 1 µm height resolution
System options 1/2 3D-PIXA-C15 Resolution: 15 µm Height resolution: 3 µm Scan width: 40 mm Height range: 1 mm Max. speed: 0.3 m/s 3D-PIXA-C30 Resolution: 30 µm Height resolution: 6 µm Scan width: 105 mm Height range: 3 mm Max. speed: 0.6 m/s
System options 2/2 3D-PIXA dual Dual line-scan camera Flexible in base width Support for 10 – 700 µm Max. 60 kHz Usable pixels: max Available for project solutions
System options 2/2 3D-PIXA-D70 Resolution: 70 µm Height resolution: 20 µm Scan width: 500 mm Height range: 30 mm Max. speed: 1.5 m/s 3D-PIXA-D680 Resolution: 680 µm Height resolution: 200 µm Scan width: 2000 mm Height range: 700 mm Max. speed: 25 m/s Example configurations
System configuration HW PC CameraLink PC - Bu s Imaging 3D calculation (API) Image analysis originColor imageHeight image
System configuration Calculation of 3D height information Depends on: Height range Number of graphic boards Line length (4K for this sample calculation) 2k systems max. 60 kHz 4k systems
Laser approach 3D-PIXA vs. Laser scanner: Illumination 21 3D-PIXA - standard light source no specles
22 3D-PIXA 3D-PIXA vs. Laser scanner: Illumination Dark-fieldBright-fieldCo-axial Cloudy-day (dome)
23 speed range Sensor rows => range High speed only for Low resolution (1/2 pixel) Small range (< 100 rows) 3D-PIXA always 21 kHz (up to 60 kHz) 3D-PIXA vs. Laser scanner: Illumination
Why choose 3D PIXA Unique performance 3D and 2D color simultaneously Highest resolutions, widths and speeds Ideal for 100% inspection Ideal for fast moving objects Flexible as line-scan cameras Registration of texture and 3D height Powered by Chromasens allPIXA technology