Set up 2: The shortname space will be created by Jee or Shobha Set up 1: Come up with a shortname (one world is preferred or two words with a hyphen) Discussion URL Members can send a message to: Ways to solicit members: A blank message can be sent to: Refer to a webpage to sign up: Homepage can be designed in many ways. Here are three samples from the previous discussions. You can modified the homepage in the Editing mode. To view the editing mode, you need to go to My Group and click a list. If you are a regular member, the list link will take you to the discussion space directly. If you are an admin, it will open the Editing mode page. In the page, there is an entry for Workspace Introductory Text. You can enter HTML code in the form field.
Access your space through This is where the system sends you the password to your registered account. A list of discussion spaces that you have signed up.
Set up 3: Prepare an invitation letter For Bank staff only, you can send out a nicely designed Lotus Notes table invitation. For external staff, you can either explore to send out a HTML or a rich text based . Note: We request that all communications related the e-discussions (invitations, articles, announcements, websites etc.) carry the following acknowledgment for DevForum. We will provide you the HTML code and the text for this. ** To post messages to the e-discussion: You can either reply to the s of the e-discussion, or send a message to Please note that you can send the messages to the e-discussion 24 hours a day, but the messages will be posted in the discussion space in the period between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm New York time. ** To read messages on the e-discussion website: Please click on the "messages" tab once you access the site at the following link ** To receive e-discussion messages by All participants will automatically receive the messages that are posted. However, you can choose to receive a daily digest containing all the s from each day. If you would like to change your setting to the daily digest, please send a message to In the subject line, type: set shortname digest ** To unsubscribe from this e-discussion: If you do not wish to be a part of this discussion, please send a blank message to: ** To retrieve your password via Useful information for participants
In the invitation, you need to send a direct link to the join page.
Date: Tue Jun 21, :17:35 PM PDT Subject:Dgroups Registration Hello, The following details were submitted to Dgroups ( as part of a new user registration for an online community: User Name:jen seo Password: test This may have been done by you, or by Jeeyeon Seo administrator of Development Forum: World Bank E-Discussion Venue. You may visit this community here: Please note that messages to the list should be sent to: Messages sent to the above address will be sent out to all participants in the Long name title would appear here. Primary Administrator’s name Set up 4: Approve members
1 2
3 There are 3 things to check to ensure your approval message is correct: 2 lines are required in the body of your message: login (enter your password here) member approve where "(enter your password here)" should be replaced with your password, and the numbers following "member approve" are the numbers identifying the requesting users. If the line starting with "member approve" wraps down to the next line, then either each new line should be prefixed by "member approve" or the end of each line contains "\". Example (body of message) - NOT CORRECT: login apple123 member approve Example (body of message) - CORRECT: login apple123 member approve \ \ \ Example (body of message) - CORRECT: login apple123 member approve member approve member approve member approve Messages should be sent as plain text, and not HTML format. If your message does not follow this format, you will receive a response with the text "The following lines in your message did not appear to be Lyris ListManager commands and were skipped:".