Talking about Your Interests and Routines Lesson 4
Sasha: Hi, Maria! How was your weekend? Maria: It was great but I am all sore now. Sasha: What does ‘sore’ mean? Maria: ‘Sore’ means your muscles are painful because you did a lot of exercise. If you do sports, you know this feeling well. Sasha: Hm…I see.. so why are you sore? Maria: Well, I did yoga in the morning, then I went for a run with my dog. After that, my friends called me and we went out. Sasha: Oh, where did you hang out? Maria: We went bowling to Plazma and went for a drink after that. Sasha: What a coincidence! I was in Plazma, too. Maria: Really? How come I didn’t see you there? Sasha: I only went shopping. Maria: Did you get anything? Sasha: Just a few shirts and a bag. Maria: At least, you are not sore and you’ve bought something useful!
Hobbies and routines Do sports Do yoga Go for a run Go out Go bowling Go for a drink Go shopping
Collocations Do yoga Make yoga Go bowling Play bowling
Collocations Go Do Play Go for a Do yoga Play tennis Go bowling Go shopping Go sailing Go skiing Go cycling Go clubbing Play Play tennis Play football Play chess Go for a Go for a run Go for a drink Do Do yoga Do aerobics Do photography
Interview Do you ever go for a run? Do you ever play chess? Do you ever go skiing? Do you ever go clubbing? How often do you go shopping? How often do you go for a drink? How often do you go out?
How often do you..? always often sometimes every now and then normally 100% always often sometimes every now and then normally occasionally hardly ever never 0%
How often do you…? How often do you go shopping? -Every now and then -I go shopping every now and then How often do you go for a run? -Hardly ever -I hardly ever do -I hardly ever go for a run
Homework I a run ever go for hardly Put the words in the right order to make sentences: I a run ever go for hardly I go and then with my friends every now out I shopping every go day I go sailing, I swim never can’t I do sometimes yoga I the summer play quite tennis often in I a run every morning go for
Homework Correct Answers I hardly ever go for a run I go out with my friends every now and then I go shopping every day I never go sailing, I can’t swim I sometimes do yoga I play tennis quite often in the summer I go for a run every morning
Today we have learned: Collocations about routines and hobbies How often you do something