COMMAS How to properly use commas in lists
Placement of comma in list A comma should be placed between each item in a series or list after the first item listed and before the last item listed. Never insert a comma before the first item in a series or after the last item in a series A series is when three or more items are listed together; two words does not constitute a series. Items in a series may be single words, phrases, or clauses.
Examples For summer activities, Jack enjoyed playing baseball, swimming laps, and riding his bicycle. The commas separate all the items in the series, including before the conjunction “and” in order to illustrate that “riding his bicycle” is a part of the series. Please pack the following items for the camping trip: a lantern, a sleeping bag, a water bottle, and a backpack. The commas separate all the items in the series, including before the conjunction “and” in order to illustrate that “a backpack” is a part of the series. On Friday, I fell quickly asleep because of how tired and exhausted I was from my long week at school. The comma after Friday is correct because it sets a part the introductory phrase. There is no need for a comma between “tired and exhausted” because it is not a series of three or more items.