Was Africa Civilized in the 16 th Century ? What does CIVILIZED mean?
Is this Civilized ?
What about this ?
Or is this ? Concentration Camp During World War II, German Nazis imprisoned about 7 to 8 million people, mostly European Jews, in 22 concentration camps. By 1945 they had murdered about 6 million of the inmates. Some were killed by firing squads, others died of starvation or as a result of experiments performed on them by German doctors and scientists, and most died in poison gas chambers. When Allied forces liberated the camps in 1945, they found them littered with thousands of unburied dead, and the majority of the survivors were suffering from disease or starvation. Archive Photos "Concentration Camp," Microsoft (R) Encarta. Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation. Copyright (c) 1993 Funk & Wagnall's Corporation
We think CIVILIZED means……….
Was Africa Civilized in the 16 th Century? Introduction Civilized means (add eg.s) Facts about African Countries Facts about England in 1600 Conclusion ( answer )
Introduction Here you need to say that England and Spain ( and others ) thought that Africans were not Civilized, and so were fair game to be made into slaves. You also need to say what you are going to do in your essay – either prove that Africa WAS Civilized or that it was NOT
Civilized means……. Use your lists from the class and group discussions to define to your reader what you mean by civilized. Say that you are going to use the list to examine African nations and also compare them to England at that time.
Facts about Africa and England Use your research into Africa’s civilizations to support your argument. Only include relevant details – leave out facts that do not help your argument. Try to link this to ….. Use your Year 5 knowledge of Tudor England. Point out any similarities and differences between this civilized country and African ones.
Conclusion This is where you answer the question – Was Africa a civilized place in the 1600’s? Remember what you have said in your argument – did you think it was or was not? Try to sum up your argument and evidence in a few lines.
Was Africa Civilized in the 16 th Century? Introduction Civilized means (add eg.s) Facts about African Countries Facts about England in 1600 Conclusion ( answer )