Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution Vocabulary
The French and Indian War War from 1753-1759 that was fought between England and her colonies and the French and the Indians
Albany Plan of Union Plan created by Ben Franklin that attempted to get the 13 colonies to unite to fight the French
Treaty of Paris (1763) Ended the French and Indian War, gave England all of France’s land in America
Proclamation of 1763 Law that drew an imaginary line along the Appalachian Mts, and forbid colonists from moving west of that line—avoid conflicts w/ Indians
Sugar Act 1764- law that put a tax on many items including sugar and molasses
Stamp Act 1765—law that required all printed materials to have an official British stamp—raised the price of paper products
Quartering Act 1765 &1767—law that required Colonists to feed and house British soldiers without any repayment
Townshend Acts 1767—law that taxed common everyday items like glass, paint, lead, etc.
Tea Act 1773—law that allowed British East India Co. to sell tea directly to the colonists—upset colonial merchants
Petition A formal written request signed by a group of people
Boycott To refuse to buy goods or use services
Repeal To cancel
Writs of Assistance Legal document that let British officials inspect ships or businesses without a reason
Committee of Correspondence Letter writing campaign between the colonies that reported on events in Massachusetts
Nonimportation Agreements Agreement between American merchants not to import or buy British goods taxed by the Townshend Acts
Sons of Liberty Organization of men that protested the British laws and policies—protests, boycotts, occasional violence
Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts) laws placed on Massachusetts in early 1774 to punish them for the Boston Tea Party—closed Boston Harbor
First Continental Congress September 1774—meeting of colonial delegates in Philadelphia—agreed to boycott British goods and set up militas
Militia An army of citizens who serve as soldiers
Minutemen Massachusetts volunteer soldiers who trained regularly and were ready to fight