Health and Wellbeing Catherine Saltis- LGYH 1
Health and Wellbeing “No decision about me, without me” Led by Health Professionals Focus on delivery of world-class health care outcomes Catherine Saltis- LGYH 2
Health and Wellbeing Catherine Saltis- LGYH 3 Secretary of State Department of Health Clinical Commissioning Groups Local Authority Health & Well Being Boards National Level Local Level Local Healthwatch Public Health National Health Service Structures Healthwatch England NHS Commissioning Board Public Health England Care Quality Commission CQC Monitor
Health and Wellbeing Clinical Commissioning Groups (led by clinicians to shape services) Health & Well Being Board (joint health and well being strategy) Local Healthwatch (responsible to LA) Catherine Saltis- LGYH 4
Health and Wellbeing Powers relate to LA Can arrange OS to discharge health scrutiny function Request extended to CCGs, NHS Commissioning Board, providers of NHS services Can refer to Secretary of State, Monitor, NHS Commissioning Board Catherine Saltis- LGYH 5
Health and Wellbeing How Can Scrutiny Best Assert Itself to Influence / Challenge Activities? To What Extent Can LA Implement Public Health Policies? Public Involvement Catherine Saltis- LGYH 6
Health and Wellbeing Build on Experience of public involvement 10 Questions Scrutiny Development Areas Scrutiny Regulations Catherine Saltis- LGYH 7
Health and Wellbeing Catherine Saltis- LGYH 8