LOCAL COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP Helpful platform for partnership working. Excellent opportunities for localised response. Membership consistent. Community and Voluntary Sector on board. LCPP publicity attracting interest.
LOCAL COMMUNITY PLAN Endorsed by membership. Work to be done to ensure ownership. Progress made in 1st year 80 Actions 4% Complete 69% On Schedule Some difficulty ensuring progress across all themes.
BUILDING STRONGER COMMUNITIES Two new groups. Improved networking. Opportunities for engagement taken. Investigating Timebanking.
COMMUNITY SAFETY Localised response to concerns. Excellent relationships with community. High profile community surgeries. Groups supported to identify community safety concerns. Local referrals to Fire Programme. To deliver Community Safety event in Harris.
HEALTH AND WELLBEING Attempts to develop a Working Group. Connections made with Older Persons Agenda for Change Steering Group. Discussions in relation to begging. Community Sports Hub moving forward in scale and vision.
LEARNING AND CULTURE Localised publicity enhanced in relation to provision. Enhanced access at Blackness Library.
ENVIRONMENT Local groups involved in identifying issues and solutions. Long term and new groups supported to develop use of open space; Western Cemetery, WestFest, Friends of Magdalen Green, Friends of Riverside Nature park, Bonnie Dundee. Opportunities to connect with green space shared with schools. Residents Parking Scheme Regular walkabouts.
WORK AND ENTERPRISE New Job Shop in Mitchell Street. Enhanced course opportunities in Mitchell Street. Welfare Reform event – local preparations.
KEY CHALLENGES AND PRIORITIES Young people unconnected – meaningful involvement in Local Community Planning. Develop local response around a number of key themes. Encourage greater depth of involvement by the community in community matters and broader representation. Parking pressure. Ensuring community ownership of access to Blackness upper floor.