Chemistry Teacher: Mr. Garcia Room: 7-1
Personal Information Name: ___________________________________ Name: ___________________________________ Address: __________________________________ Address: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Home Telephone Number: _(____)_____________________ Home Telephone Number: _(____)_____________________ Cell Phone Number: __(____)_________________________ Cell Phone Number: __(____)_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ What science class did you take last year? _____________________ What science class did you take last year? _____________________ What teacher did you have for science last year? _______________ What teacher did you have for science last year? _______________ What grade did you get in science last year? ___________________ What grade did you get in science last year? ___________________ What grade do you expect to get in chemistry this year? _________ What grade do you expect to get in chemistry this year? _________ Additional comments: ___________________________________ Additional comments: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
Our Mission: Valley High School will provide an environment that enables students to make a successful transition from high school to higher education and career opportunities. Valley High School will provide an environment that enables students to make a successful transition from high school to higher education and career opportunities. We will provide an academic program designed for each student supported by high expectations, integrity, courage, compassion and collaboration. We will provide an academic program designed for each student supported by high expectations, integrity, courage, compassion and collaboration.
1. CST 2. CAHSEE 3. High School Graduation 4. A-G (Courses required for college)
READ THIS AGENDA CAREFULLY I have reviewed the contents of this agenda. I will take responsibility for it, and use it as an essential scholarly tool. I intend to write all my assignments in it, and to track my academic progress toward graduation. I must have the agenda with me every day and I will not be released from class without carrying the agenda with me. I also understand that if this agenda is lost, damaged or stolen, I must purchase a new agenda at the replacement cost of $5.00. Student Signature: ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________
SEMESTER 1SEMESTER 2 Progress ReportsProgress Reports October 7, 2011March 9, 2012 November 18, 2011April 27, 2012 Final GradesFinal Grades January 27, 2012June 14, 2012
Course Syllabus Chemistry Description Chemistry Description College-prep one year course College-prep one year course Laboratory activities, projects, textbook material, models, diagrams, journal writings, and research Laboratory activities, projects, textbook material, models, diagrams, journal writings, and research Apply to medical field careers and chemical research careers Apply to medical field careers and chemical research careers Chemistry Objective Chemistry Objective Apply to standards that focus on the following areas: Apply to standards that focus on the following areas: Atomic and Molecular Structure Atomic and Molecular Structure Chemical Bonds Chemical Bonds Conservation of Matter and Stoichiometry Conservation of Matter and Stoichiometry Gases and Their Properties Gases and Their Properties Acids and Bases Acids and Bases Solutions Solutions Chemical Thermodynamics Chemical Thermodynamics Reaction Rates Reaction Rates Chemical Equilibrium Chemical Equilibrium Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Nuclear Processes Nuclear Processes Investigation and Experimentation Investigation and Experimentation
Course Objectives You will be able to: Carry out scientific procedures using laboratory equipment. Carry out scientific procedures using laboratory equipment. Solve scientific problems using graphs, tables, and algebra skills. Solve scientific problems using graphs, tables, and algebra skills. Understand basic chemical concepts in written form, problem solving and discussion. Understand basic chemical concepts in written form, problem solving and discussion. Hypothesize solutions to current societal problems. Hypothesize solutions to current societal problems.
Why Study Chemistry? Everyone and everything around us involves chemistry – explains our world
Chemistry: Fascinating and Fun!
Why Study Chemistry? Problem Solving Problem Solving More informed Citizen More informed Citizen Careers Careers College College
Classroom Materials Chemistry (Textbook) Chemistry (Textbook) Chemistry Notebook Chemistry Notebook Notebook (3-Ring Binder) Notebook (3-Ring Binder) Writing tools (#2 pencil, blue or black pen) Writing tools (#2 pencil, blue or black pen) College-Ruled paper College-Ruled paper Drawing paper Drawing paper Graph paper Graph paper Colored pencils, markers or crayons Colored pencils, markers or crayons Agenda Agenda Highlighters Highlighters Glue stick Glue stick Ruler Ruler Scissors Scissors Index cards (3 x 5) Index cards (3 x 5) Dictionary Dictionary Calculator Calculator Classroom WebSite:
Classroom Rules In order to effectively learn in class, students must obey the following rules: 1. Be in assigned seat before the tardy bell rings. 2. Bring notebook, textbook, and pencil/pen to class. 3. Turn in assignments neatly and on time. 4. Treat peers and teacher with courtesy and respect. 5. Do not talk or leave seat without permission. 6. Conduct safety rules at all times.
Follow the clearly stated expectations: Spirited and well behaved students at all school- sponsored events Spirited and well behaved students at all school- sponsored events Possession of ID card and agenda at all times during the school day. ID cards at every event. Possession of ID card and agenda at all times during the school day. ID cards at every event. No misuse of electronic devices! Cell phones and iPods used only before school, during lunch and after school. (NOT during passing periods) No misuse of electronic devices! Cell phones and iPods used only before school, during lunch and after school. (NOT during passing periods) Items are subject to confiscation Items are subject to confiscation No inappropriate items: gangs, sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, party activity, permanent markers, tagging, dress code violations No inappropriate items: gangs, sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, party activity, permanent markers, tagging, dress code violations No harassment (sexual or any other kind) No harassment (sexual or any other kind)
Only Valley hats Only Valley hats No underwear showing No underwear showing No violent or gang affiliated t- shirts or jackets No violent or gang affiliated t- shirts or jackets Keep “hoodie” hoods down Keep “hoodie” hoods down No flip flops No flip flops
Valley High School Falcon Fashion for the Scholar Student Name: ___________________________________________ __ I.D. # ___________________________________________ __ Date: ___________________________________________ __ Nature of Violation: Issued by: WHITE: to Student Services YELLOW: to Student If not…
Discipline Plan Rewards for following rules: Rewards for following rules: 1. Verbal and/or written praise. 2. Given extra credit or bonus points. 3. Given tokens. 4. Receive outstanding citizenship. Consequences for not following the rules: Consequences for not following the rules: 1. 1 st offense = Verbal warning 2. 2 nd offense = One hour detention 3. 3 rd offense = Phone call home and parent conference 4. 4 th offense = Office referral
Grades 1. Homework Packets 2. Chemistry Notebook (2) 3. Laboratory Reports 4. Quizzes 5. Chapter Tests 6. Classroom Participation 7. Citizenship (Attendance and Behavior) 8. Extra Credit
90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D 0% - 59% F Grading Scale
Regular attendance is important to success Regular attendance is important to success Only reasons for absence: Only reasons for absence: Illness (we need a note and a phone call!) Illness (we need a note and a phone call!) Medical/Dental Appointments (after school, please!) Medical/Dental Appointments (after school, please!) Court Appearances (notice in advance) Court Appearances (notice in advance) Death in the Family (let us help with grieving) Death in the Family (let us help with grieving) PLEASE, A PHONE CALL AND A NOTE BOTH….ALWAYS!! ATTENDANCE OFFICE: (714)
Absences You must bring an excused note to the attendance office to get a readmit. You are to take this readmit to get every teacher to sign to be excused for your absence(s). You are responsible for making up any work that you have missed. If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, you must turn it in on the day you return. You must bring an excused note to the attendance office to get a readmit. You are to take this readmit to get every teacher to sign to be excused for your absence(s). You are responsible for making up any work that you have missed. If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, you must turn it in on the day you return.
Academic Honesty It is your job to convince me that you are not cheating. Ways to convince me: It is your job to convince me that you are not cheating. Ways to convince me: 1. Keep Your Eyes On Your Own Paper. 2. Keep Your Answer Sheet Covered. If I Suspect that you are cheating, the following will take place: If I Suspect that you are cheating, the following will take place: 1. 1 st time X on paper (10 points off) 2. 2 nd time 0% on test, quiz or homework assignment 3. 3 rd time: 0% and an office referral
Tutoring Tutoring is available before or after school by appointment. Tutoring is available before or after school by appointment. Tutoring will take place before 6 th period everyday. Tutoring will take place before 6 th period everyday. It is also available through Valley Think in the library. It is also available through Valley Think in the library.
Parent/Guardian Signature First Homework Assignment (5 pts.) First Homework Assignment (5 pts.) Parent/Guardian Signature With Date Parent/Guardian Signature With Date Student Signature With Date Student Signature With Date