Although some of my views on curriculum have changed since the beginning of this class, my philosophical beliefs about the purpose of school have not. I still believe that school should be a place where students have an opportunity to learn, explore, and experience knowledge in an engaging, safe, friendly, and fun environment. It should provide students with a solid academic foundation with the essential skills they will need to move on to the next stage of their lives, whether that is their next grade level, higher education, or the work place. For me, that means preparing my second graders for third grade. This is done through the district adopted curriculum and a variety of supplemental programs to meet the needs of my learners.
C URRICULUM SHOULD ENCOMPASS THE FOLLOWING : Students should learn to: read fluently, comprehend and use higher order thinking skills Use computation, problem solving and critical thinking skills write with correct punctuation and grammar and be able to express themselves logically Students should be offered: in depth web 2.0 tools to enhance their learning science, technology, and math courses to prepare for 21 st century learning and career paths a variety of learning/assessment opportunities to display knowledge
I H AVE LEARNED THAT CURRICULUM IS A SEQUENCE OF STUDY IN STANDARDS AND BENCHMARKS. I T SHOULD CHANGE AND ADAPT, AS NEEDED, AND I THINK THAT IT IS INTENDED FOR LEARNING TO MEET GOALS, CONCEPTS, GENERALIZATIONS OR OUTCOMES. A sequence of study in standards and benchmarks. It should adapt and change, when needed. It is intended for learning to meet goals, concepts, generalizations or outcomes.
I now realize that I must implement 21 st century tools to help prepare my students for the future. I do believe effective technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is well implemented and it can enhance the learning process, and supports curricular goals.. Based on what I have learned about web 2.0 tools, I think they will provide an excellent resource to me and my students, not to mention what they will provide for differentiated instruction.
I t I think technology requires an update in curriculum to better prepare our students for the 21 st century. Technology enhances teaching and student learning and supports curricular goals. Technology can drive instruction based on assessments and identify learning gaps. It can allow students a variety of options to display learning.
I BELIEVE THAT WE ARE ALL STAKE HOLDERS IN A STUDENT ’ S LEARNING, AND CURRICULUM SHOULD ADAPT TO FUTURE NEEDS AND CURRENT F AILURES. T HE RESULTS BELOW RELATE TO MY OPINION AND WHY THE STAKES ARE HIGH One-third of fourth graders and one-quarter of eighth graders are functionally illiterate. Last year nearly 1.3 million U.S. students failed to graduate from high school. This year an average of 7,200 students every day will drop out of school, and an estimated 1 billion dollars are spent each year in college remediation. Among the top 30 industrialized countries, U.S. high school students rank 21 st in science and 25 th in math (Schieler & Stewart, 2008). Meaningful learning and curriculum can help to keeping America viable to the global economy
A NOTHER EYE - OPENER FOR ME IN UNDERSTANDING CURRICULUM IS WHAT I LEARNED ABOUT BACKWARD DESIGN, AND HOW CURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT, AND INSTRUCTION, STEM FROM A SHARED UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT CONSTITUTES EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING (T OMLINSON & M C T IGHE, 2006).. It only makes sense that in using backward design that teachers would always have the end goal in mind and that the activities they use to teach the content would serve “as a means to an end.” I like the idea of getting away from that “mile wide, inch deep” idea of content. I would much rather think in terms of “big ideas” and “essential questions.” I never thought of UBD as curriculum; however, implemented well, think that this model can be extremely effective in implementing curriculum.
I believe that students are at the core of curriculum and taking an interest in a student and his or her learning is key to building a successful relationship with that student. Throughout this course, I have also come to realize that curriculum is: The foundation for students, the school, and me, and that standards and benchmarks should be used as a framework to meet the goals I set for my students.
M Y R OLE IN CURRICULUM To understand that students are at the core of curriculum. To set the foundation for future and life-long learning. To implement the fundamentals of curriculum to connect all subjects. To know the content well and differentiate instruction to reach all learners in his/her learning styles. To be accountable to students, parents, and the district for implementing the curriculum in a responsible fashion.