Victorian Curriculum History 7–10 Familiarisation


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Presentation transcript:

Victorian Curriculum History 7–10 Familiarisation Gerry Martin Acting Curriculum Manager History and Civics and Citizenship

Key features Structured as a learning continuum that enable teachers to identify the current levels of achievement and then plan for progression Includes 11 levels for English and Mathematics and bands (5 or 6) for all other Learning Areas and Capabilities Levels A-D supporting students with disabilities Cross-curriculum priorities (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, and Sustainability) are embedded in the Learning Areas and Capabilities, not represented as additional or separate curriculum 4 rather than 7 capabilities included in the curriculum. Additional 3 general capabilities in the Australian Curriculum are Literacy, Numeracy and ICT. Teachers will develop students’ learning of literacy, numeracy and ICT across the curriculum. These capabilities are incorporated in the learning areas and do not require separate treatment.

Overview The History curriculum is written for Levels F – 10. The Humanities include four disciplines The Humanities Civics and Citizenship Economics and Business Geography History

Key changes Historical methods and procedures are strengthened and explicit in both strands Two strands Historical Concepts and Skills Historical Knowledge Removal of duplication and pedagogy Historical questions and research (Australian Curriculum) now sits in the Critical and Creative Thinking Capability- Questions and Possibilities Explanation and communication- is the product of student historical thinking The Historical concepts and skills are moved to the front of the curriculum to emphasize the importance of the disciplinary characteristics of history Explanation and communication- When using historical sources as evidence, students draw on historical perspectives and interpretations when constructing arguments about the past. Develop texts, particularly descriptions and discussions that use evidence from a range of sources that are referenced(ACHHS174) View additional details about Literacy View additional details about Critical and Creative Thinking Select and use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital technologies (ACHHS175)

Key changes 11 levels changed to five bands 2 level bands e.g. Level 3-4 Achievement Standard at each two level band Consistent with other learning areas Strengthen curriculum coherence Greater flexibility for schools in how to organise the delivery of the history curriculum

History Structure Historical Concepts and Skills Historical Knowledge

Key Changes Depth Studies and Overview (AusVELS) structure has been embedded in Historical Contexts (Victorian Curriculum) Levels 7-8: Investigating History has been embedded within the Ancient Civilisations knowledge descriptors Levels 7-8: A new context, Aboriginal and Torres Strait and Islander Peoples and Cultures

Strand: Historical Concepts and Skills Key Changes: Historical skills strand has been renamed Historical Concepts and Skills Historical perspectives and historical interpretations are sub-strand descriptors under the skill ‘Use historical sources as evidence’ Clear progression of concepts and skills F–10 Concepts are explicitly emphasized in the strand Historical Knowledge. Located at the beginning of each level to emphasise the discipline of history. These are explained in the Learning in History

Strand: Historical Concepts and Skills sequencing chronology using historical sources as evidence identifying continuity and change analysing cause and effect determining historical significance

Scope and Sequence Progression of Historical Concepts and Skills Historical Knowledge Achievement Standards at two level bands

Strand: Historical concepts and skills In Levels 7-10 the Overviews are now embedded in the Historical concepts and skills- Sequencing Chronology

Progression of concepts and skills Identify Continuity and Change F-2: Identify examples of continuity and change… 3-4: Identify and describe continuity and change over time… 5-6: Identify and describe patterns of continuity and change… 9-10: Identify and evaluate patterns of continuity and change… 7-8: Identify and describe patterns of continuity and change in society and daily life…

Strand: Historical Knowledge Clarity and reduced repetition e.g. Level 7 and 8 Elaborations contextualise the historical knowledge

Strand: Historical Knowledge Levels 7 and 8 Historical Concepts and Skills are explicit. Ancient world and early civilisations 60 000 BC (BCE) – c.650 AD (CE) How physical features influenced the development of the civilisation. changes in society and the perspectives of key groups effected by change including the influence of law and religion significant beliefs, values and practices with a particular emphasis on one of the following: changes to everyday life, cause and effect of warfare, or perspectives of death and funerary customs causes and effects of contacts and conflicts with other societies and/or peoples, resulting in developments such as expansion of trade, conquest of other lands and war, peace treaties, spread of beliefs. The role and achievement’s of a significant individual in ancient society. The different methods and sources used by archaeologists and historians to investigate history and/or a historical mystery. The significance and importance of conserving the remains and heritage of the past

Strand: Historical Knowledge Level 7- 8 Middle Ages and Early Exploration c.650 AD (CE)–1750 options have been restructured Level 7-8 The Black Death in Asia, Europe and Africa (14th century plague) has been consolidated into Medieval Europe, Ottoman Empire, Mongol Expansion and Renaissance(cause) Level 7-8 re-ordering of the choices so there is a chronological progression Level 9-10 Progressive ideas and movements, Movement of peoples have been consolidated into the Industrial Revolution and Australia and Asia Level 9-10 Globalising World, addition of another study - Political Crisis

Victorian Curriculum Website Lets explore

Capabilities Where appropriate draw on the progression to develop students learning It is a whole-school decision on how the capabilities are to be taught. Learning Areas do not have to integrate all the capabilities into all of their curriculum. Whole-school planning is fundamental.

Historical Concepts and Skills Example 2 Levels 7and 8 Inquiry: How can we be responsible for protecting archaeological sites such as the ancient city of Palmyra? Ethical Capability Historical Concepts and Skills Historical Knowledge Historical concepts and Skills strand Sequence significant events in chronological order to analyse the causes and effects and identify continuities and changes  Analyse and corroborate sources and ask questions about their accuracy, usefulness and reliability Analyse the different perspectives of people in the past  Explain different historical interpretations and contested debates about the past Analyse the causes and effects of significant events that caused change and/or a decline over the period  Historical knowledge strand The significance and importance of conserving the remains and heritage of the past Use the concepts and Skills to frame the Inquiry process Understanding Concepts’- Rights an Responsibilities Decision Making and Action

How can we be responsible for protecting archaeological sites such as the ancient city of Palmyra? Monumental gate on Colonnaded Street in Palmyra. Flickr: John Winder

Curriculum Organisation: two-level bands Traditional organisation Alternate organisation Level 7 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Peoples and Cultures Ancient world and early civilisations – 60 000 BC (BCE) – c.650 AD (CE) European and the Mediterranean world- Ancient Rome The Asian-Pacific world –China Level 8 Middle Ages and early exploration European and the Mediterranean world- Medieval Europe The Asian-Pacific world – Mongol Expansion (c. 1206-1368) Expanding Contacts: Discovery and Exploration - Renaissance Italy Level 7 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Peoples and Cultures European and the Mediterranean world- Ancient Rome Medieval Europe (c.590 – c. 1500) Renaissance Italy (c.1400 - c.1600) Level 8 The Asian-Pacific World China Mongol Expansion (c.1206 – c.1368)

Locating information Curriculum Resources and Support

Support Phase 1: Professional learning for principals/curriculum leaders Phase 2: School-based planning Phase 3: Professional learning in specialist areas

Curriculum planning Is not the responsibility of the individual teacher – it is a team effort Recognises that we are educating the whole child across many years of schooling - curriculum is designed as a continuum of learning Without the “what” students should learn, pedagogy is a process without purpose Deep familiarity with the curriculum is essential

Curriculum Planning Curriculum Mapping Templates

Timelines Implementation of the new Victorian Curriculum can commence in individual schools as soon as they choose, with all schools required to implement the new curriculum from the start of 2017. In other words, schools will have the remainder of 2015 and all of 2016 to prepare for full implementation in 2017. 2015-16 From 2015 AusVELS curriculum available AusVELS website archived December 2016 Victorian Curriculum available Full implementation from 2017

Assessment “ .. the fundamental purpose of assessment is to establish where learners are in their learning at the time of assessment.” Reforming Educational Assessment: Imperatives, principles and challenges Masters, G. ACER 2013

Supporting learning The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly (Ausubel 1968) Vygotsky (1978) referred to the ‘zone of proximal development’ the region of ‘just manageable difficulties’ where students can succeed but often only with the support of others for example through scaffolding activities. … learning is enhanced when teachers pay attention to the knowledge and beliefs that learners bring to the learning task and use this knowledge as a starting point for new instruction (Bransford et al 2000)

Summary Discipline of History is strengthened Duplication and repetition eliminated Greater clarity Consistent and explicit use of historical concepts Clear progression Strand Historical Concepts and Skills Disciplinary concepts and skills are explicit Progression of concepts and skills Historical Knowledge contexts Historical concepts are explicit within the knowledge content descriptors Achievement Standard Achievement Standards

Contact Gerry Martin Telephone: 61 3 9032 1694 Mobile: 04 3911 3496 Acting Curriculum Manger History and Civics and Citizenship Telephone: 61 3 9032 1694 Mobile: 04 3911 3496 e-mail:

Additional contact details VCAA websites Victorian Curriculum Curriculum Planning Resources: Contacts Sharon Foster Manager Phone: (03) 9032 1680 Email: